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Book 2


My hand slid along his hair and I gripped it tight with a groan as he arched his body, his smooth and soft skin glinting beneath the light of the moon. His skin was sweaty and smooth and turning a bright shade of red as a strangled moan left his lips, a shudder rushing through his body. His shoulders were hunched and even then, his body managed to look magnificent as he took everything.

His hands were clenching the sheets and would twist every so often when he moaned, his body trembling. His neck was sweaty and his skin was sensitive along his collar, my mark now forever resting on his pale skin. His head was bowed before sharply throwing back as a sharp cry left his lips, his body arching back against me.

Fuck, he was sexy.

My eyes trailed over his shoulders and down his back, sliding over his lower back before finally reaching his smooth and plump ass. My breathing hitched at the sight of it bouncing as he took every inch of me in his lithe body. His walls were smooth and warm as they clenched around me, sucked me in tight into his hot entrance. The sight of my cock disappearing into his trembling body sent a rush of blood to my hardened member and I rolled my hips, grinding against his ass.

"Oh!" his voice was smooth and silky and just so fucking erotic it prompted me to clench his hair tighter. I yanked his head back gently, watching as his lips parted and I leaned down to nip at his earlobe, loving the sounds of his desperate pants as he clenched the sheets, clenched around me, clenched his eyes shut.

"You're fucking beautiful" I breathe out against his sweaty throat. I lick his sensitive skin and watch as he jerks against me, practically forming a beautiful curved C with his back, his ass raising against me more. I sucked his jaw, "Fuck, Will, you're so damn beautiful" I groan, releasing his hair to grab hold of his hips and bringing him back against my cock as I thrust forward. I felt my shaft twitch inside him and I just knew I was close, fuck so close.

"Milo!" he gasps desperately, moving his own body back now as he turned to me and his fierce green eyes looked at me over his shoulder. "Harder, Milo. Harder!"

I reach down and grip his cock, feeling him shudder as I jerked him quickly. "You're close, love, aren't you?" I murmur hotly against his ear. My finger grazed his tip once and he jerks against me as his head throws back against my shoulder and he shouts his pleasure. The sight was enough to have me follow him and I bury myself inside him a couple more times before-

My eyes snap open and I swallow at the dryness of my throat. I was breathing hard and I muttered a curse as I rubbed my face tiredly, turning to my side to press my face in the sheets. I was sweating and I could feel myself hard, so hard it ached painfully. I wanted to lay back and jerk myself off to the sweet dream, but instead sit up and shiver at the cold air that met my bare body.

That is almost enough to flatten my arousal and I move to stand from the bed. I yank up a pair of pajamas over my briefs and pull a shirt over my head. I make my way to the door and slip out, following the sweet scent of my mate down the hall and stop in front of Aaron's door. I swallow thickly before closing my eyes and trying to hear the steady rhythm of his heartbeat inside. He was asleep with Cody. Feeling my shoulders slump, I turn to head back to my room before turning around when the door behind me opened.

Aaron crossed his arms as he leaned on the doorframe, raising an eyebrow. Fuck, he looked just like Cody. "You can't sleep again?" he asks.

I scowl, "You're stalking me? I didn't even make noise."

Aaron rolls his eyes, "Michael's inside and so are the dickwads. Ollie is here and Peter is as grumpy as ever at this hour" he says as he steps aside to let me pass through.

"You're having a damn sleepover?" I scowl as I make my way inside and surely, they were all sitting down on the floor or beds. I slip past them and drop myself on Ollie's bed, ignoring the way Peter scowls at me.

Aaron closes the door with a sigh, "I was sleeping and Ollie and Peter decided to get a little too touchy with me in here. Michael couldn't sleep without Cody and these two dickwads followed Michael."

"Hey!" August and Dexter grin.

"What are you doing awake?" August asks, turning to me.

I glare at him and cross my arms with a look to the wall. I was definitely not going to tell them I woke up after having a dirty dream with my mate. Heck, I haven't even kissed him!

He didn't let me within an inch of him and it was a little irritating. I understood, though, I definitely did. And I was so goddamn pissed at that man for bringing harm to my mate. He would fucking pay.

"Bet it was Will" August continues with a snicker.

"Shut it" Aaron slaps the back of his head before sitting on the sheets set up for himself on the floor. He sits with his legs beneath him as he glares at them both, "It's none of your business."

It wasn't but they were both idiots and they wouldn't know how this felt until their found their mates. So instead, I ignore any questions headed towards my mate and let myself relax- if for the night. Then tomorrow, I would continue to try and gain my mates trust. Then, maybe then, he would begin to accept this mating.

He had been broken into many little fragments that only knew pain. And I would do anything to make him one again.



This book will be uploaded on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays:)

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