Chapter 2 - Fucking Alphas

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Chapter 2 - Fucking Alphas


He smiled at me.

Two days later I found myself doing some progress with my mate. It was the most he had ever done to me and I would forever remember that action. It was... it was a random action and at first I thought he'd done it to someone behind me but when I turned to look, I only saw a wall. By the time I looked back at him, he was already focused on Cody, who was talking quickly to Aaron about how much he wanted to teach the other kids how to write.

He had fucking smiled at me.

It had been a small twitch of this lips, but goddamn I'd seen it and it left me eager for more. I mean, I had been staring at him like the fucking creep I am and he'd probably seen me, but the fact that he smiled at me had me so giddy. I wanted to see another smile. I wanted to hear a laugh and maybe even hear him talk to me for once. I just had no damn idea what to do to get his attention. He was always next to Cody, every goddamn day and I wanted to catch him alone. Probably talk to him or even give him something.

"Hey, baby" Michael's voice breaks me from my inner thoughts and I watch as he approaches Cody, leaning down to give him a kiss before sitting on his other side. All the while I watch as Will scowls at that and turns away, glaring at the floor.

Yeah he'd probably butcher me if I kissed him.

"Hi, Michael" Cody smiles and I wonder how the hell he's so... nice to everyone. After what happened to him... wouldn't he feel anger or remorse? I mean, my mate definitely felt anger and he was taking it out in everyone. It just left me a little stunned. "I want to learn to read."

"I think that's a good idea" Michael smiles, which makes me frown a little. I'd been so obsessed with him I didn't even stop to think that it would've never worked. He was a dominant- as was I. I guess it really had been only a crush.

"Milo" August calls as he walks into the game room followed by Dexter and I grunt when he drops beside me, too close for comfort as he slides an arm around my shoulders. He leans close, "So since you got your ass handed to you by Ollie I wanted to challenge you myself to a round. One versus one- you in?"

Dexter sits on my other side and snickers, "Or you're afraid of losing again? You're, like, the worst player in here. Even Cody killed a few when he played." Now he was lying- I was definitely better than him.

"That won't be possible" Dad's voice says as he walks into the room and I sit up slowly. He looks at me, "Alpha Fredrick and his daughter are here. Their ally contract is to be updated. My office in five."

I mentally groan and slump when he leaves. Dexter elbows me with a snort and Aaron sends a small wince my way. Michael raises an eyebrow as I reluctantly stand. "I'm missing something here."

Aaron sends a look my way, "Tania, Fredrick's daughter, has..." he rubs the back of his neck and I roll my eyes before making my way to the door. "She's been wanting to mate with Milo for a while now. It's kind of awkward, really. I wonder how she's going to react to Milo finding his mate. Milo, I'll go with you."

We make our way out of the room in silence. Dad's office was down the hall and to the right, almost at the back of the house. I could already smell their scents going that way and I let out a heavy sigh at the silence. I couldn't wait to shove it in her face. Normally, I'd feel bad because that could've been me with Michael, but he didn't know and I understood a no. Obviously not with my mate- I'd never stop fighting for him.

"Did you see his face?" Aaron murmurs silently after a while. I turn to him and raise an eyebrow, watching him flush a little. "Will" he whispers and I blink- he had all my attention now. He tucks his hair behind his ear as he fidgets a little. "When... when I mentioned Tania. I think... I think that got him thinking. Milo, having Tania around might be a good-"

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