❣︎Soul Mate❣︎

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⋮soulmate AU⋮

⇢Sorry this did not come out earlier! ಥ_ಥ For our advanced writing class we got to go to a writing camp, and I thought we would have Wi-Fi up there, but I was wrong! So I am just posting it today. So, onto the story⇠

Everybody in the world was colorless, you were only made of black, gray, white, and any shade that stood by them. Luckily, not everything was monochrome though, the actual world that surrounded you had the privilege of receiving blazing reds, deep aqua blues, and buttery yellows. But let's not forget the soul mates! Those lucky idiots, waving around their love like a banner everyone has to see. Let me explain, you are devoid of color until you've found your soul mate, yet, sadly for some people, they never stumble upon their soul mate. And being totally honest, you never thought you would meet yours too.

Most of the lonleys, which is a name that was so kindly given to the people devoid of color, are rather jealous that the lovelies, the name of those with Soulmates. They are jealous of the fact that they don't only have color, but they have someone to cling to. Their jealousy would drive them to do crazy things, like recently there was a shooting, and three lovelies died. The first two that died were a couple, the man died holding his wife who has already passed, as for the other one, their lover was in the restroom. Because the lover of the last victim did not die he was stained red, it is a common thing that happens when your soul mate dies. It happens to everyone, even when you have not met your soul mate.

Some messed up crap right? Well, you did not really give a flying quack about it, well, the senate at least, as long as you have colors your finest. Like really, why would you want one of those so you can do absolutely everything with them? It is much better to do things on your own than spend twice the amount with a soul mate, really, you could think of a positive reason to be alone. Going to the movies? More popcorn for yourself! Going to a restaurant? More bread sticks, because really, if you are going to Olives of la Garden it's not like you would want to share them. Eating breakfast? No one will judge you for putting too much whipped cream on your hot cocoa. See, life alone is perfect, but still, it was an ashen life.

Your gaze drifted towards the brilliant reds, oranges, and browns that decorated the trees that lined the road station. They daintily shivered in the wind with each breath the crisp autumn air tool. Sometimes they would break off of the branch and they would suddenly become ribbons of yellows and reds as that drifted to the ground. You could not help but wonder, was your hair the same color as the flashy colors that danced in the trees? Or wash your hair a cooler color like black or a deep, cherry red? Who knows, who knows?

Breathing out a sigh you leaned against the bench you sat on, reaching into the pocket of your (dark/light) gray hoodie (you wished it Stayed that awesome color of (favorite color), but rules of life are the rules of life, and everything about you has to be void of color...wonk those rules) you pulled out your McFist phone. You unwound the cord of your earbuds before sliding one of them into your ear. You watched with displeasure as they lost their green pigment. You began scrolling through your McTunes app, looking for a good song to listen to, and after some hunting you decided on Judas by Lady Gaga, who cares about the haters, she was born this way.

As the song began you tapped your foot to the beat, and hummed it to yourself. Music always was something that just seemed to take over your body, and make you do weird dance moves which usually ends up with people running away from you. Hey, a lonely will be a lonely right?

"Please stop that." You turned to look at the voice that commanded you to quit your humming. He was a lonely just like you, but man, he looked like he had a bad day. His spiked hair was a mess, his eyes and cheeks were stained with what you can only assume to be torn, and he was just glaring at the view in front of him. You weren't one to pry, heh, what am I saying, of course you are.

"What the juice happened to you?" You pried, determined to find out just what happened to him. He just turned and gave you a glare that was as cold as his black eyes.

"Why are you so bent on annoying me?" He looked away. You must have set him off, or reminded him of one of his unknown misfortunes because some tears began roosting in the corners of his eyes, waiting for a moment to show themselves more clearly.

You could understand what he has been through, you bet everyone has. There have always been those terrible days for you where it was hard for you to hold in a few tears on the bus. Everyone has bad days like that, but no one can deny lonelys have it worse, at least the lovelies have someone who would comfort them and be there for them.

A frown set into your features as you stared at this boy, "what's your name?" You asked, if you were not going to find out what happened to him you might as well get his name, I mean, you're sitting on a bench with him, that's only the nice thing to do.

Knowing you would not stop bothering him until he told you, he caved, "Randy Cunningham."

"Cool." You scoot towards him a bit, "I'm (first name) (last name)." Randy just nodded and looked down. You could tell Randy still did not feel that good. You reached out to rub his back, but when you hand made contact with him you suddenly felt very warm. It was like the type of embarrassed heat you feel, where originating in your churning stomach them spreads to the rest of your body.

You closed your eyes, surprised by the sudden heat waves. Jerking your hand back you gripped your stomach, which was now aching. 'What the juice just happened?' You wondered as the pain ebbed away. "What the juice?" You heard Randy groan. 'So he felt it too?' The thought ran through your head as you opened your eyes. You looked at Randy, but froze in your spot when you noticed how he had color. Does that mean..? You began scanning your own body, and you were shocked when the colors had painted your body.

"Randy!" You yelled in shock, and turned to see him again, this time he was looking at you with eyes as wide as the moon. Honestly, you expected to meet your lover in a more romantic way, like maybe he would fly in on a Pegasus or something, or he at least would buy you a six pack of chicken nuggets at McCluckers. Even so, you were now a lovely, and you have a boyfriend.

"So..." Randy looked down, a rusty blush spreading across his features. He could not believe this was happening, after all the bad things that happened that day he never knew it would get better.

"Wanna go out to Starbucks or something?" Randy looked back up at you, before smiling a bit.

"Sure!" The two of you stood up and began walking in the direction of the nearest Starbucks as if it was a magnet you were drawn towards, like really, you guys are freaking teenagers of course you will memorize where all the Starbucks are.

You guys spoke a bit more openly while talking, and you guys quickly became comfortable with each other. That was just the 'soul mate magic' they always act like they've known each other for life, even though they just could have met.

Eventually, your hands intertwined with one another, and you guys were giggling and cuddling as you walked down the sidewalk. Other labels would smile at your display of affection, but the dark haired, baton twirling lonely that walked by, she didn't appear to like it so much. 

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