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Breathtaking violin music drifted through the decorated gym, each note adding to the professional atmosphere. Randy stood back, watching from the buffet table as his peers chatted with their cliques. He expected the gathering to be more...lively, yet sadly, that was not the case.

He came to the dance with his friend Howard Weinerman. When they first saw the flyer for the blowout, which Norisville High had decided to name The Enchanted Midnight Dream, they were not really interested in it. It took Howard to discover the large array of foods that would be there to make the duo attracted to it. After that they took it upon themselves to make sure they were more than ready for the hyped affair.

When they arrived, Randy was more than sure that he and Howard would be with each other the entire time, but Howard ditched him for Debbie. Randy was pretty annoyed by his pal's decision, but a guy has to do what a guy has to do. If Howard wanted to try and seduce Debbie, Randy was not going to stop him from doing so....Even though Howard would fail due to The hatred Debbie felt towards the redhead.

Randy sighed for the umpteenth time that night, the party was not as fun as it would have been with Howard. He reached down and brought his cup of lemon water to his lips and allowed the liquid to stream down his parched throat. He placed it back down after doing so and frowned, he has never been a big fan of the faint sour taste,

"This is so boring." He mumbled under his breath and was about to run his hand through his hair. He refrained from doing so when he remembered how he slicked back his purple hair.

Randy finally let himself rest against the wall and he began to spend his time studying the other students that filled the gym. His eyes glazed over each one for just about a second, but someone caught his eye. She was an attractive girl, with (hair color) hair and a fitting (color) dress.

The mystery girl looked away from her friends and locked eyes with Randy. He flinched, a small blush settling onto his features as he felt infatuation boil in his abdomen. He could read the lingering question in your eyes...,have we met?

He watched as you voiced a few things to your friends before they wall waved goodbye...,were you leaving? You couldn't be leaving, not when he just found you.

Randy expected you to head towards the exit, yet instead you were walking towards him. He felt his nervousness grow as you neared him, so when you made it to him he was actually pretty anxious. He was usually pretty cool around girls, but it was hard to be like that when the heat in his best seemed to be cooking him alive.

"Hi," a smile rested on your features.

"Uh," Randy started, "hi."

You giggled, "I'm (fist name) (last name), what's your name?"

"My name is Randy Cunningham."

"That's nice," you brushed a strand of hair behind your ear, "would you like to come outside and chat, it defiantly beats this party."

"Sure, that'd be Bruce!" Randy began leading the way to the door.

You guys spent the rest of the party talking and eating food (which, in Randy's mind, is the only correct way to spend a party). During your time together Randy felt his infatuation sprout into a crush. Sadly, it was time to go too soon.

"Bye Randy," You softly punched his arm, a smile on your face.

"See ya' (nick name/first name)," Randy flicked your forehead and out pouted.

"Don't do that," you demanded. Randy just lifted his arms in surrender before waving goodbye.

"Who was that?" Howard questioned Randy as he stepped away from the doors.

"Her name is (first name)," Randy dreamily sighed, "she smells just like happiness and sunflowers!"

Howard cringed, "gross dude, you sound like you've caught love."

Randy just shrugged, he was still flabbergasted at how enchanted it was being with you.

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