Randy x reader x NomiRandy

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You've never, ever had a good experience with twins, and a particular pair would be the Cunningham twins. Well, you think they are twins. Don't read that the wrong way, like, they looked very similar, but something was just off about them. Randall, the emo-ish one that always wore his hoodie down, just seemed to appear out of nowhere! It was really odd. Really, even the school nor the town had any files on him or his relationship with Randy, the other twin.

Anyway, back to your relationship with the twins. They both really, really, really like you-which is somewhat horrifying, the thought of having to deal with not only one, but two guys to lug around-but you did not feel the same way for them. Most would swoon at the idea of such a harem, but not you. This is not Ouran honking Host Club.

"(First name)!" Oh, here they are now.

You sighed before flashing them a fake smile, "Oh...hi Randall, hi Randy."

The two boys leaned closer to you and you backed away a bit, they were way too close for comfort. When they saw you take that step they took one forward, you took another one back, they another one forward, this happened until you were pinned against your Christmas decoration coated locker.

It always made you angry that no one would offer help when you were stuck in situations such as this. Then again, by now it was a daily affair, heck, it was even in the before school schedule!

"Okay! What do you want? You have to want something from me to do this to me every day!" You scowled at them.

"Oh, it's nothing," Randy looked to the side, a sly smirk adorning his features.

Randall slammed his hands near your head, "in other words, we want to bang you."

You were pretty sure you and Randy wore the same emotion, pure terror. To top off your horrified emotion, an angered blush swarmed your cheeks, while you were pretty sure Randy's was the result of humiliation.

"You guys are so disgusting!" You furiously stomped and began to move down the halls. Randall calmly extended his leg, making sure it blocked your path. In your riled state you failed to notice this, and your foot caught on his leg. You slammed against the floor, and the twins quickly snatched you up.

"Oh no (first name), you are such a clumsy (boy/girl)," Randall whispered in your ear. You were pretty sure chills would have ran down your spine, but you were too concerned with your bloody nose to worry about it.

"How about we bring you to the nurse's office," Randy sounded somewhat concerned, even so, there was an edge in his voice that hinted to him knowing something you didn't.

"No!" You cried, attempting to pry your arm from one of their grasps to wipe away the blood. "I can do it on my own."

"No you can't," Randall started, "knowing you, you might get lost."

"Or you might fall again," Randy continued.

"Or someone will begin hitting on you," Randall sounded angry at the very thought.

"We can't let that happen," Randy snarled before smiling, "so we will be helping you to the nurses office!"

Before you could complain again they were already dragged you through the halls of Norrisville High. The sounds of your feet slapping against the tiled floor and the sudden turns the twins took confused and baffled you. They were going to fast for you to comprehend anything.

"We're here!" Randy smiled, "see was that so bad?"

He leads you to the hospital bed while Randall looked around with a grin, "and no one is here...perfect," his voice came out as a whisper.

Randy, who has given you a few tissues, looked to his 'brother' to see if things were safe. Randall calmly nodded as he stepped towards you, a cocky smirk gracing his features. Randy mirrored the expression and pulled the tissue from you.

You glared at him, "what the juice man? I need tha-" Randy cut you off by kissing you.

Randall, who was now crawling onto the bed, took a spot behind you, making sure your back rested against his stomach. He gripped your chin with his free hand, for the other was wrapped around your waist to prevent you from leaving, and he licked up some of your blood.

His breathing hitched at the metallic taste, "Randy," the said boy pulled back, trails of saliva running down his chin, "lock the door and get the handkerchief around (his/her) mouth."

Your eyes widened at what they were doing, but you did not put up a fight. You didn't hold any romantic or lustful feelings towards them, but the idea of being gagged and bound actually kinda turned you on. Can anyone hold anything against you? You were human, you had your own sexual fantasies and temptations.

You were cut from your thoughts when Randy placed the handkerchief against your mouth, and he was pleasantly surprised when you willingly placed it between your teeth.

"You want to do this?" Randall teased, his hand trailing up your shirt. "How kinky."

Randy eagerly climbed on top of you, he has been waiting for this forever, "You're going to have a great time!" Randy gripped the hem of your shirt before pulling it over your head. He felt his pants tighten at the mere thoughts of all that he and Randall were going to do to you.

This was going to be fun.

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