⚔︎The Chase⚔︎

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"Here's some leftover glue from that hole we made in the girls locker room"- Randy Cunningham, Evil Spirit Week.

"Let me see!" Howard angrily whispered before attempting to push his friend out of the way.

"No," Randy scowled at his biffer before turning back to the sloppy peephole the two made. It had not been an easy task, especially considering they only had a pair of rusted scissors for the job, but they were successful in making the small intrusion, "the girls are coming in from volleyball!"

Howard, suddenly becoming desperate to see what was going on in there, shoved Randy away and looked through the gap. Randy was shocked by the sudden attack and staggered backwards until he eventually fell. The purple haired teen became angry when he heard laughter.

"Stop laughing!" He growled at his so called partner in crime, but quickly stopped when he noticed it wasn't from Howard.

"That must have hurt!" Randy turned towards the unknown source and was surprised when he saw you. You were (first name) (last name), a girl widely known in the school for having absolutely no boundaries, being a pervert, and hitting on just about everyone. Of course, let's also not forget the fact that a sense of overwhelming lust engulfed Randy when you were anywhere near him. Randy had no idea if you were there just for the volleyball game that just occurred, but even if you were, it meant trouble.

Randy was cut from his analysis of you when you snorted, "stop laughing!" The teen blushed before quickly scrambling to his feet.

"Oh...look who it is, the shoob," Howard just stared at you, "did you come to check out the volleyball girls, everyone knows you swing both ways."

"No," you reached for your pocket, "I came to catch dirty little boys doing dirty little things." You pulled out your old generation McFist industries' phone before snapping a photo of Howard peeping on the girls, it included Randy as he awkwardly stood on the sidelines.

Howard and Randy froze in shock, "give me the phone," Howard barked, he knew that he would be the one being blamed, while because of Randy's position he would be considered the friend that felt uncomfortable with the situation. Randy and Howard began inching towards you.

"You'll have to catch me first!" You turned and began dashing away from them.

"Howard, first I want you to patch up the hole with the glue in my backpack, then you go the long way to cut her off!" Randy began to chase after you, leaving Howard to try to identify which long way he was required to go.

"There is more than one long way!" Howard called to his friend, but he did not seem to hear.

It was a rather beautiful hunt in your opinion, it was also defiantly the most difficult. There were times Randy was so close to catching you that you could feel the air that brushed against your flesh when he attempted to grab your arm. Of course, there were also a few times when you tricked the boy by hiding in lockers. You should have known entering the janitors closet would be a bad idea.

"Oh! I honking got you!" Randy celebrated. He closed the door as he entered the supply closet. With a triumphant smirk, Randy began to lumber towards you.

"Stay away!" Your cockiness drained and you began to feel nervous. You have never been in this situation before and you could feel yourself panicking, you usually got away! You backed up until your back hit the wall, knocking down various brooms and mops.

"Give me the phone," Randy extended his hand, waiting for you to place the electronic in his palm. You remembered how the grave puncher character often said "revealing fear shows weakness," and you straightened up. Flashing Randy a grin, you pulled your phone out and pretended to bring it towards his hand, but halfway there you pulled it back and stuffed it into your bra.

"To get the prize you have to earn it," you crossed your arms over your chest, your grin only widened when you saw his face become a deep red.

"Okay," your grin left and was replaced with a shocked frown. All to suddenly Randy was leaning down, and his lips were on yours. After reading so much fanfiction you expected it to be something...something that was not this. You expected something that started out sweet then faded into smut, not such a lewd beginning.

You may have acted like you did the do with just about every guy in school you've never actually done it, and all the simulation was so overwhelming! Randy's hand, that was tangled in your hair, trailed down to your skirt, "Do you know how honking hard it is to control myself around you when you wear this?" He lifted the skirt a tad, allowing him so see and massage the smooth skin underneath, "it took all of why willpower to prevent myself from taking you right then, but no one is around now...so how about you let me see how you look without the skirt."

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