◈Deceit and the Pea◈

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Once upon a time forgotten, there was a poor village girl named (first name) (last name). She shook and trembled as the cold wind effortlessly pushed pass her thin cloak. Even though her legs were exhausted due to the long hike she pressed forward, determined to make it to the castle.

Oh, how she could not wait to escape from the rain. Relief was flooded throughout her body as the palace came into view. Alas! The very thing that will bring forth wealth and fortune to her family. (First name)'s mother has been planning and waiting several years for this, she could only imagine how proud she must be. The scenery surrounding (first name) became a blur as she began sprinting in the direction of the castle. If she could really pull this off all the rainy weather she endured would be worth it.

Coming to a complete stop at the hefty castle gates, (your name) put on the best pained expression she could muster. (Your name) allowed phony tears to fill her eyes as they glanced towards the soggy ground, and a large frown was etched onto her features to complete the look. She extended her hand and knocked on the gates. The sound echoed in her mind, much like the continuous rain. She forced herself to control her heartbeat and breathing when a curious guard opened the gate.

"Who are you and what is your reason for being here?" His voice was the very thing you would expect from a guard, authoritative and blunt. (Your name) inwardly scowled at the guard, she never liked them, the king and queen that is. The guards always seemed to do all the work for the starving townsfolk as the queen and king feasted upon the finest of foods. Disgusting really.

(First name) pushed the hatred from her eyes and looked upward. "I am one of the princesses that was required to present herself for the prince." The guard scowled.

"You are no princess, look at you!" He gestured to her tattered clothes and dirty face. (First name) allowed her fake tears to flow down her chin.

"I am a princess, I truly am!" She declared, wiping away some of her mock teardrops, "it's just, as we were traveling here our royal carriage was raided! Everything was stolen, our gold and precious stones, our horses, they even stolen my new silk dress that was made specifically for this occasion, everything." Throughout her lie (first name) allowed her voice to waver and crack, adding to the whole story.

The guard hid frown, it was a terrible thing to happen to the young girl. "Of course," he nodded. Oh, how cute, the idiot really fell for the deceivers fable, "come with me and I will have you speak with the queen."

"Thank you very much." The young tricksters voice was feeble, much like the minds she was manipulating. The guard made room for the (hair color) haired beauty to make her way into the château. The guard missed (first names) grin when he closed the gate.

"Right this way miss..." He questioned, staring into your eyes.

"(First name) (last name) sir." The guard simply nodded before sauntering down the hall. (First name) put on her calm facade as she followed the guard through the countless corridors. She was in a panic, even though she had everything figured out. She honestly did not believe she would make it this far, whenever her mother ran through the plan she always expected the guards to see right through her,

"Queen Rae." The guard motioned for (first name) to continue walking by him. She decided that now would be a great time to remove her hood so she could allow the royal figures to see her. She noticed the prince, Randy Cunningham, was obviously interested in her. If she could, she would have laughed, "this girl claims that she is a princess, but as she was traveling, her carriage was raided."

"Is that so?" The queen mused, and turned to her son, "what do you think of her?" She questioned in a hushed voice.

"She is beautiful," Randy muttered back, "what is your name?" He called out to (first name).

"I am (first name) (last name)." She curtsied, allowing her silky hair to tumble forth. Her mother spent most of their family's money so they could make (first names) hair shine like silk. She stood back up and watched as the three spoke in hushed voices. This went on for quite a while before the king called his many servants into the room. (First name) made eye contact with one that has very similar looks as her, it was her sister.

"Get this girl a room, as well as some satin pajamas, we only expect the best for her!" He clapped, and the servants departed. Randy walked down from his throne and extended his elbow towards you.

"While the servants are preparing your stay, I will show you around the palace." He smiled, showing of a charming grin.

"Why thank you." (First name) feigned kindness ash she looped her arm around Randy's, "if it is fine with you I would like to see the garden last." She smiled as they began walking through the castle.

"How do you know we have a place garden?" Randy teased.

"Every castle has to have a garden, or else I won't consider it a castle." Her (eye color) eyes shone with false joy as she giggled, this was too easy. So, for the next while (first name) and Randy just walked around the palace, teasing each other and having a laugh, she hated to admit she actually enjoyed it.

When the time came (first name) left to her bedroom for the night, and peeked inside. "Oh my..." her voice became breathless as she saw the many downy mattresses that were stacked on top of one another.

"Miss (first name)," The said girl turns when her name was called, and she became increasingly happy when her sister was there, "here is your sleepwear." She handed (first name) the smooth garb.

"Why thank you." She smiled, but let it quickly fade into a frown, "tell me everything." She bluntly stated as she began to undress.

"As I was spying on the king and queen I heard them mention putting a pea under your bed. Of course I was curious, never before have I heard of such a thing, so I decided to turn to the library," she caught her breath, and you turned to her with interest as you slipped the silky material over your half nude body, "apparently any princess will be able to feel the pea no matter how many mattresses are on top of it."

"So that means I have to pretend I felt it." The con artists finished her sisters thought.

"Exactly, but it is supposed to be rather painful, so I suggest you act painfully dramatic and complain about how much it hurt."

"Fine." (First name) breathed out the word, which made it airy, "thank you for your help sister, I greatly appreciate it, but please, do tell me what time you will be awakening me."

"You will be waking up right when the sun rises."

"Of course, thank you."

"Why exactly do you require to know that."

"I just had an idea that will help this entire setup be more convincing."

"Okay, I trust that you can do this." She bowed before leaving the room. Once her sister left, (first name) looked up at the treacherous climb she was required to abide. Before going to the bed, she reached in the pocket of her old apron and pulled out black chalk, she was planning to run it under her eyes to feign dark circles. Grinning, she placed them between her teeth and placed her hand on the ladder that rest by the bed, and she began climbing.

The next day she entered the palace dining room (first name) lumbered in with and exhausted but bewildered expression. Randy was quick to notice the fact she kept yawning and dozing off. "How did you sleep (your name)?" He asked, biting into his eggs.

The girl looked fairly stressed as she ran her hand through her hair "I slept terribly." She almost began to cry, because she truly did sleep so badly. It felt like a knife has been placed under her bed. When she looked to find what was doing that all she found was...

"A pea!" The king and queen grinned at each other before plucking the found object from (first names). She was not expecting this at all, she was no princess!

"This is great!" Randy cheered and wrapped his arms around (first name), "we are to be wed as soon as possible!" You know what, she can get used to it.

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