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⇎That moment when you forget to update your story because you were getting candy. Anyway, this chapter is basically me rewriting my first one-shot that I put on wattpad, that would be my Randy Cunningham x reader one-shot named 'I'm Sorry'...yeah...the cringe. Anyway, if you want to read the one-shot you can look for it on my old wattpad account⇎

"I'm sorry," Randy's voice came out as a faint whisper. He was staring down at you with guilty eyes, he knew that you were not pleased with his actions.

You took deep breaths, attempting to keep yourself calm. When someone messed something in your life up you tended to blow up at them, not even sparing a second glance at who was watching. All the emotions Randy's sudden act were...overwhelming, to say the least. They were waves of disappointment and anger, valleys of shock and sadness, fields of regret. What exactly did you regret? Signing up for the stupid art show.

Traveling eyes spotted a tub of paint that perched near the edge of a desk. You knew it was a terrible idea, it would definitely lead to some consequences..., but what is a few articles of stained clothes compared to deep emotional pain? You seized the bucket of thick green liquid and poured it all over Randy.

He was shocked, to say the least, and quickly attempted to brush away the runny pigment from his eyes. Randy felt anger bubble up inside him, yet it quickly diminished when he heard a hushed sniffle. Once the teen was sure the paint would be unable to make it to his eyes he looked up. He froze when he saw you were attempting to hold back tears.

Randy gulped and sweat began to bead on his forehead, which made odd splotches in the paint that resided there, "look (your name), I did not know," you ignored every word that poured from his mouth. You mournfully pushed him out of the way before you began wandering down the hall. You would not give him the satisfaction of running, no matter how hard your heart pushed you to do so...you were stronger than that.

Randy felt the desperate need to follow you, he wanted to promise everything will be okay...but his feet just could not allow him to do so. It was like he was stuck in that position, unable to move.

You made it out of the school when the terrible scent struck you. It reminded you of the scent of moss, thick, putrid, and oddly moist. Then you felt it, a warm, comforting feeling that seemed to burn into your bosom. It seemed to take away all your pains, and it distracted you with sweet nothings that echoed in your mind. You were quick to let it take you.

"Cunningham," Howard snarled at his friend when he entered the lunchroom. Most people were staring at Randy because of how he was unsuccessful in cleaning the majority of the pain, "what did you do to (your name), you honking chowder head?!" Howard sounded absolutely pissed, but it did make sense, Howard's mom was your very own godmother.

"I invited her brother to the art show, I had no idea that she did not like him until she just froze and glared at me! I'm such a shoob...," Randy ran his hands through his hair.

"(Your name) and her brother has a wonk relationship! It is even worse than mine and Heidi's!" Howard shouted, eliciting the attention of more students.

"How the juice was I supposed to know that? You know how she is with personal stuff!" Randy defended, but was quickly silenced when one of the walls of the lunchroom were demolished.

A stanked version of yourself lazily sauntered into the large gathering are through the abundant hole you created. You somewhat resembled a horned lizard, having the same structure and horns. Even so, there were quite a few differences Randy could easily point out, like the fact your now yellow eyes seemed to be squeezed out of their sockets, or how your legs were long and thin, much like a spiders, and so on.

"Sorry Howard," Randy reached into his pocket and gripped the ninja mask, "its ninja o-clock!" Randy ducked down under one of the many tables that were scattered throughout the lunchroom.

"Don't think you are getting off that easy!" Howard scowled. After you growled he decided to follow the examples of the other and ran for safety.

"Where's the little mother juicer!" Your voice was raspy and much deeper. The students that were trapped in the lunchroom jumped as you carelessly destroyed a table near the exit doors.

"Calm down little lizard!" You turned to the source of the voice and began to snarl when the ninja appeared in a cloud of red smoke. With much struggle, you grabbed a tray of food and flung it at the ninja, "ew, that's shnasty!" He cried when the gray goop hit him.

You began to circle around him, preparing to attack. The dirtied ninja looked up at you and pulled out his long sword (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). He pointed the steel blade at you, his eyes narrowing with each step you took. You were the first one to pounce.

The battle was a short, yet tricky, one. The spidery legs you received as a monster were surprisingly strong, "Take that...," the ninja cheered, but looked back at you to see who he has defeated this time, "(your name)!" He was honestly somewhat surprised, you never have really been one to care about your trials and tribulations, which resulted in you never really being stanked.

"Wha...what?" You curiously looked up before wincing. You gripped your head, hoping that it would take way the splitting headache you have received. The ninja felt his guilt grow, did it really mean that much to you?

"(Your name)!" Howard was quick to be by your side, "are you okay?" You nodded in response, but as the headache faded the memories of what occurred before your blackout returned.

"I don't want to be inside the school at the moment," your voice was shrouded with venom, "help me get outside for some fresh air." Howard nodded and helped hoist you into your feet. The ginger glared at the ninja before walking away with you.

The ninja sighed, "smoke bomb," he lazily dropped the sphere and disappeared along with the mist. When he was safe in the boys restroom Randy pulled the mask off his head and sighed, he really had to do something to make it up to you.

"This day can't gent any honking worse," you muttered, anger evident in your voice. You were sitting outside of the school, watching at the time steadily passed. You knew you were missing a class, or lunch at least. The gray clouds that grew closer gave a deafening crack, then it began raining, "awe come on!" You angrily stood up, but sat back down when you saw there was no place to go for shelter.

You were soaked when The rain suddenly seemed to pause, "they're not going to let you into the school like that," Randy joked attempting to lighten the mood. After you did not respond, he sighed and sat under his umbrella with you, "I really am sorry, I'm such a shoob..." he looked down in grief. You were the type to hold a grudge over someone who stole any of your food, there was no way you would forgive him.

"...it's alright," Randy looked up at you in shock. You were shivering, obviously due to the cold air and the rainwater that doused your figure. Randy shrugged off his signature navy jacket and slid it over your trembling shoulders. You blushed when he pulled you to his chest. His right arm fastened you to his torso while the other held the umbrella.

"Why do you hate your brother so much?" Randy questioned.

"It's not why I hate him," you paused, "it's why he hated me." Randy frowned at you before kissing the top of your head. The two of you spent the rest of the school day watching as the rain fell to the ground.

✭randy cυnnιngнaм х reader oneѕнoтѕ✭Where stories live. Discover now