♰Haunted houses♰

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—featuring child Randy—

"I wanna go to that house!" Randy Cunningham, the child you were babysitting, cried before dragging you in the direction of a White House.

"Okay, okay!" You shouted, quickening your pace to prevent yourself from tripping, "just please slow down!" Randy's stride decreased to a speed walk, which was manageable for you because one of your steps was three of his.

The kid could be a handful but you sure loved babysitting him, so when his mother asked you to take care of him during Halloween you were pretty hyped. Not only did you get to spend time with the little rascal, you also got to go trick-or-treating! Trick-or-treating was something you were mournful to grow out of, but it had to happen someday, even if you hated it.

You guys made it to the home and you smiled as Randy eagerly rang the doorbell, it reminded you of when you went trick-or-treating at his age. The two of you impatiently waited

For the door to open, but when it did it was not what you were expecting. It just creaked open and allowed them to see the darkness of the home. "Enter the haunted house if you dare," and Erie voice croaked from the house, "but be warned, once you enter, you may never escape."

"That's awesome!" You cheered and gripped Randy's hand, "do you wanna go into the haunted house?"

"I...uh." Randy seemed a little unsettled, but you did not seem to notice.

"Come on, I need a brave hero to protect me from the monsters," You cooed, squeezing his hand a bit harder. Randy gulped before nodding his head. You beamed at him before letting his hand slip from your grip patting his head, "I knew I could count on you my knight in shining armor!" The nickname made Randy blush.

"L-lets just get going!" Randy gripped Your hand and the two of you entered the house. Randy felt his heart quicken when the door shut behind you guys and the same mysterious voice told you guys to follow the patch of glow sticks. You grabbed a few of the glow sticks that rested on the floor and lifted it up to your face, which made shadows cover the majority of your features.

"Look Randy, I'm a ghost! Ooo!" Randy thought the display of yours was rather cute, but it still did not get rid of the disturbing feeling he felt.

As you guys walked farther down the glow stick trail ominous music that was playing from a hidden stereo became louder and louder. It only fed the flames of the young boys fright.

"Welcome!" A person dressed as a clown jumped out from behind a wall and the two of you guys yelped at the sudden surprise. His hand tightened around your wrist until it was seemingly unbearable. You began to tug him away from the clown, Randy followed, remembering that you had a fear of those jokers. The clown followed you guys until you made it to the next room.

"Okay, that was pretty startling..." you chuckled, unable to think of anything else to say. The two of you guys continued throughout the house, being startled by spooky ghosts and ghouls until you finally made it to the last room.

"We just have to walk through?" Randy questioned as you guys cautiously stared down the darkened room.

"It seems rather suspicious..." you frowned. Halfway through the house you began regretting forcing Randy into this, if it was making you uncomfortable who knew what he felt, "come on, let's go." You guys began walking through the room together. When you guys were a quarter of the way there you guys began begging chased by a guy with a chainsaw, that was actually freaking real!

By the time you made it out Randy was sobbing and you were yelling bad curse words at the house, "like really! Who uses actual honking chainsaws for something like this? You could have freaking g slipped and chopped someones head off," you flipped off the house owner, who was sending you a sorry look, "to wonk with you, you mother-juicer!" You shrieked at him before picking Randy up.

"That was so scary!" He cried into your shoulder.

"Hey...hey," you ran a hand through his purple hair, "it's okay your safe now that we're away from that terrible place!"

"(First name)," Randy hiccuped before looking at you with tear filled eyes, "can you give me a kiss?" You blushed a bit at the sudden question.

"Okay," you placed him back on the friend and kneeled down to his level, "do you want me to kiss that snotty little cheek of yours?" You teasingly wiped his tear stained face. When he nodded in response you placed a quick kiss on his lips before pulling back with a grin, "is your boo boo all better?"

"Yeah...," Randy scratched at his skeleton outfit before extending his arms again, "can we go home?"

"Yeah," you picked him up again, "lets go."

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