☕︎Tam Tim Blam☕︎

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☠︎So, today is October 3rd, and that means two things! First of all, it is the beginning of October, so to celebrate I will be posting Halloween themed one-shots for the rest of the month, and second, the new show by the creators of Phineas and Ferb, Milo Murphys Law, is coming out today! As you can tell, this is going to be a pretty awesome month, so sit back, get yourself a ninja mask, and get into a good one-shot!☠︎

"Hi Cummingham!" You slammed the door to his messy room open. Your arm was waving wildly as you greeted him.

"Don't call me that." Randy was blushing at the nickname you gave him, but you could see the small smirk pulling at the corners of his lips. You giggled and entered the room, looks like he thought it would be funny to ruin your work from the last time you cleaned his room. You decided that you were not really that lazy that day, and you climbed up the ladder to Randy's bed to sit by him.

"How's your arm doing?" you questioned, poking his band after arm. Randy told you he just fell down the stairs, but you don't believe that is the case. The only way you can get the same killer wound as Randy would probably from battling something.

"It's doing better, but I'm just sad I can't go trick-or-treating." Randy pouted, lowering his head. You frowned at this and crossed your arms.

"Don't worry, now that I am here you will have a super duper fun time! I just can't believe Howard did not come!" You sneered at this. You and Howard never really got along that well, you personally believed he saw you as a threat to his and Randy's friendship, even though you weren't.

"It's fine (your name)," you could tell this made Randy a bit mad too, but he decided to take the high road, "he has been looking forward to this forever." You smiled at this, Randy's heart has been always in the right place.

"Well, even so, Howard is going to regret not being here, look at what I have!" Randy became excited when you pulled out a simple black shopping bag. What could possibly be in there? Randy usually is a big fan of surprises, especially ones like this. He watched as you pulled out a few things that really lighted up his day: three new movies that haven't even came out yet, some packs of gum, earphones, and last but not least, a box of Tim Tams.

"Oh my ninja...," Randy grabbed the box of Tim Tams and held it up to his face. Randy has really been wanting to try them for a while, and now it was finally happening, "you got Tam Tims?"

"Just for you!" You smiled your signature bright smile. Randy has noticed people for many great reasons, but your smile surely outshone them all. Your smile was the type of smile you could only find on children during Christmas. It could cheer up anyone who walked by, and in fact, that smile actually paved your way into popularity with not only other students, but with the teachers as well.

"Thanks (first name)," Randy grinned before looking back down at the DVDs, "how did you get these anyway, they have not even come out yet."

"Oh, you know," you innocently giggled, "I just bent some acquaintances to my will so they could get it for you." Randy's expression changed to a 'what the juice' look. You may have had a great smile, but you defiantly did not have the best moral standards. Randy grinned again, even so, you did all of this for him! You were the coolest!

"Can you help me off my bed? We got a new television and I want to watch the movies on it." You just nodded and got to work. You pulled the movies and Tam Tims down first, then you helped Randy awkwardly wobble down his bed.

"Randy." You flashed him a smile as he stepped off the ladder.

"Yes?" Randy looked at you.

"Before we watch the movies can you put on some pants at least, I am a lady after all." You chuckled and poked his nose, after doing so you gathered all your items and moved them to Randy's downstairs living room.

When Randy came down his cheeks were still red at your comment, he honestly had no idea all he was wearing was his McFist Brad boxers! As he was stepping down the stairs, he became increasingly frustrated, why did you make him feel this way? Well, he knew why, it's just his feelings of you were stronger than from when he liked Theresa! It was all just so overwhelming.

"Are you okay Randy, you look like you just killed a puppy." Randy was about to reply, but quieted down when he saw that you already prepared the coffee table with snacks, and two steaming cups of hot cocoa.

"How did you set it all up so quickly?" Randy plopped down by you on the couch. Reaching down, he pulled a blanket from the floor on covered the both of you guys with it.

"I already set it up before I entered your room." You shrugged, snuggling into the blanket. You were always so ahead of things, Randy honestly would not be surprised if you changed small things in Randy's life to give him a bad or good day.

"How the juice are you so amazing?" You just shrugged again at his question before grinning at him, "anyway, what movie do you want to watch?" Randy looked at the selection of movies, and flinched when he realized they were all scary movies. Even though he fought monsters just about every day it did not mean he could handle scary stuff.

"Oh! How about Psycho?" You pulled up the DVD, a devilish grin on your face. Randy, wanting to look cool, decided to go along with it.

"Uh, sure?" You lifted an eyebrow at Randy, his agreement sounded more like a question.

"Okay!" You cheered, and stood up to put the DVD in. When you finished you were quick to return to your spot by him on the couch, "anyway, while we're watching the movie wanna do that Tam Tim Blam?"

"Tam Tim Blam?" Randy questioned you.

"You bite off the end of the Tam Tims and drink up the hot cocoa." Randy, wanting to try it, did as you said, but he frowned when its soggy remains fell in the hot cocoa. You laughed at this, "you're supposed to slurp it up, you know?"

"Oh, I see." Randy tried it once again, and you cheered when he did it successfully, "that was actually hard thanks to my broken arm." You nodded.

"Don't worry I'm sure it will get better!" You kissed his cast, and Randy blushed at your action. Curse you and your gosh dang cuteness!

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