Holiday Pick-Up Lines .:NomiRandy:.

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Winter has always been your favorite season, and you were more than ninety-nine percent sure that more than at least half the world would agree. How could anyone think anything negative about such a jolly time of year? The days got shorter, which in turn provided you with more rest, there was white, fluffy snow to play in, and you had Christmas break. The last reason was most defiantly the best!

So yeah, it is pretty obvious as of why teens adored the season, but for you it could have been at least a little bit better. Ever since you got out of school NomiRandy, a nomified version of your best friend, has been flirting with you. You've asked original Randy about it, but he just brushed it off, saying that his counterpart tended to flirt with girls all the time. Even so, that did nothing to stop you from becoming honking mad. Like really, he is practically your best friend, or at least has the same body, so it's going to be awkward.

Howard, being the little brat he is, thought the whole situation was hilarious, and decided that it would be a splendid idea to set up a fake 'play date'-as he called it-and set you up with NomiRandy. So, there you were, trapped with the little piece of crap in Randy's room.

A loud crash sounded from downstairs and you frowned at this, they were probably having so much fun without you....

"Need a blanket babe?" NomiRandy slid his purple McKicks off and snatched a blue, downy blanket from original Randy's bed.

"No," you cringed at the name, "and I am not your honking babe, you slender man legged motherwonker."

"Whatever you say," he placed the blanket over his shoulders and spread his legs, giving you a suggestive look, "just know that Santa's lap is always ready for ya' might just get a present."

"Shut the juice up," you grabbed the abandoned shoe and chucked it at his face.

He easily dodged it, "That surely earned you a spot on the naughty list, but I can easily get you off of it if you exchange something for it."

You inhaled the air very, very deeply. This horny little brat is too much for someone as swag as you to handle. You calmly stood up and walked towards Randy's window; if Randy and Howard, bless their souls when you get to them, aren't gonna let you out then you will have to do it yourself.

"Goodbye you Trumpy Butt, imma go 'cause I don't wanna be with you," you did not bother to look at him as you attempted to pry the window open.

You were suspicious, to say the least. It has been too quiet for too long...what was he trying to do now. You cautiously glanced behind you, and honestly, you were actually somewhat nervous because he was not there. You brushed it off when the window opened.

SLAP! Your face flushed with anger, did he really just slap your fabulous booty? How dare he!

"Hands off!" You shrieked before slipping out the window. That stupid book possessed Randy thing is lucky that you fell in the snow, of you didn't you knew the original would whoop his behind.

"I know I am hot," he called down, "but I did not know that I was so handsome that you had to fall in snow to chill out!" That's it, you were getting the shovel.

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