Giving Your Heart a Break [pt. 1]

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You had no idea where you were going, but you didn't mind, as as you were drifting farther from your ex you were content. Even though pain was supposed to be the current thing on your mind, it was pity that stirred. He had the greatest thing that he could ever have, and what did he do with it? Well, he grabbed it by the arms and tore it limb from limb.

Sighing in disappointment, you crossed your arms. Feelings were long gone by now, due to your heart being broken many times before...maybe it was about time you got it fixed.

"No," you muttered to yourself and pushed through the enraged winds. Days such as this we're always the ones you liked most. The shaking of the trees as the fierce winds brushed against them always seemed to entrance you. It's such a shame that you caught your ex cheating on one of those days.

Glancing around your unfamiliar surroundings, you notice that the suburban neighborhood you were meandering through faded into a city. The bustling streets were filled with all sorts of unfamiliar people, just how far had you gone? You reached into your hoodie pocket and pulled out your phone, afterwards you turned it on and scrolled to your maps app. You learned that you were currently at Norisville, a city that was near your hometown.

"I swear I need glasses," you thought, "I never knew I lived so close to this that what I always saw when (ex's name) went to work?" It was only just a backdrop of rectangles back then. You just shrugged and began your walking, but you were unable to go far due to someone pulling you from the side of the road.

You looked to see who grabbed you, and when you saw who it was you glared, "what was that for? And why would you do that anyway, pulling strangers off the street that is."

"Sorry," the boy drawled, obviously not really caring, but he quickly flashed you a smile, "my name is Howard Weinerman, and I just wanted to know if you would like to have your heart read. To spread news about mine and my friends new business I'm doing it for free...on one condition though."

You've never been interested in such things, but the concept seemed interesting enough, "what exactly is that condition?"

"Don't worry, it's not that hard. Just write a good review and stuff," Howard motioned to a deck of comment cards that lay on the table.

You shrugged, "okay, it does sound rather interesting," you leaned down and did as he requested. When you were finished, you placed the pink slip of paper into a box that rested near the edge of the table.

"Okay," Howard pulled open a few containers,-which contained odd liquids...just wanted to point that out because it made you feel somewhat concerned about just what they were...mostly the white one that seemed a tad thicker than milk-and slathered them on his palm, "this is going to feel weird, but don't worry, it will last for only a second."

He placed his hands on your chest and you watched in amazement as a figure began to form. It was a (color) cluster of mist, but as Howard pulled his hand away, cupping the mist, it turned into a heart. Howard flinched when he saw the condition of it, in fact, even you were frowning at it.

"Wh...what's wrong with it?" You asked, even though it was pretty obvious.

Howard gave you a snooty look, "it's broken, is it obvious enough?"

Glaring at him you pulled it from his hands, "can you just tell me how to fix it?" You pulled it against your chest, the same way an artist would hide their sketchbook, but was shocked when it phased through your torso.

"Just go inside, my business partner would know what to do," he motioned to the door of the shop. You snarled at the ginger haired boy before lumbering to the entrance of the shop.

"The Heart Outlet," you muttered the name of the store under your breath and pushed the door open, ignoring the ding of the bell. You looked around the emporium, fascinated by all the gadgets that rested on the shelves, and the gears that were dotted among the walls.

"Welcome to The Heart Outlet!" You turned to see where the voice came from and watched as an unknown boy walked to the counter. "Hello, I'm Randy Cunningham and I will be helping you today! Do you need anything specific, compassion gears have been a big problem lately, but don't worry! We have jasmine oil to get it moving again, if that is the problem that is."

"I...I don't know what my specific problem is, the other boy outside wasn't really...specific," you frown.

"Don't worry, I can take a look at it! Just follow me." He led you to a chair and motioned for you to sit on it. You followed his request. Randy followed the same steps to retrieve your heart as Howard did, he gave you a pitiful smile when he saw it. "For a (boy/girl) your age, you've sure been through a lot."

"Can you please just tell me what has to be fixed?" You begged, determined to know just what was wrong.

" see..."


To be continued because I'm mean.

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