⊗Tad Too Far⊗

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⚣Reader is male⚣

Norisville was always so beautiful at night, it had always been one of Your favorite sights. You just loved how bright it appeared, with the lights of the city dancing below, as the moon began to climb above the mountains. The bustle of the city could be heard even from your spot on the hillside whenever you were up there. Let's not forget to mention how with the changing of the seasons came the reddening leaves, they blew from the branches above your head, and floated towards the city; it almost seemed like a dream.

So yeah, it was obviously a place you really enjoyed hanging out, so why not show it to your boyfriend? You pulled your Honda, which your mom said you could use, onto the top of the hill. "Woah," Randy was breathless as he stared into the sea of lights, "this is so Bruce."

You smirked at your boyfriend, and leaned back into your seat. If you were being completely honest, you would explain the many reasons why you despised the slang they used now a days, but Randy seemed to enjoy it, and you don't want to ruin it for him. You always thought it was amazing how two people's opinions over one thing could be so different, if the world could just agree on one thing it would be so much better.

"want to go sit on the hood?" You opened up your Pitt Cola as you asked this, Having come from Gravity Falls you preferred it over most of the soda at Norisville. Aw, it was rather warm from sitting in the car all day.

"Sure." Randy shrugged, and you guys opened your doors. You pulled your jacket closer to your body as the cold wind caressed your back. You could feel the heat from the engine through the hood of the car. You were thankful for how tasty it felt in contrast to the cold wind, "can I have a sip?" Randy extended his hand, hoping to snag your soda.

"Okay." You handed it to him, from your peripheral vision you watched as he gulped down the warm liquid. Randy never seemed to mind when soda was warm, heck, he liked it that way. Whenever you caught him drinking any type of warm soda he would just say it packed punch to the brink. Randy sure was an odd one, like really, he came into a football game with nothing but a Speedo and body paint. Even though you still could not deny how you felt about him.

"Thanks." Randy smiled, and jokingly punched your arm. He held the half full soda can in his hand as he admired the city. Everything was different the bird's eye view of the city, you could not see any of their terrible everyday doings. You could not see the woman getting mugged, you could not see the drunkards tumbling out of clubs, you could not see that pregnant fourteen year old. All the bad things just seemed to be scribbled out the picture.

"Randy," the said boy turned to look at you when you said his name. He snickered when he saw you with a stubborn expression and spread arms, gosh, you reminded him of a child sometimes, "give me kisses." Randy gave you a lopsided smile.

"Fine, a big sob." Randy placed the soda on the bonnet before finding a place in your lap. Randy gave you a quick peck on the lips, and smiled up at you.

"They don't call me a BIG shape for no reason." Your voice was muffled through his now moving lips. Randy snickered at your joke that Randy most defiantly knew was true. You guys have not gone all the way yet, Randy has been just not ready for that, but you guys have sometimes taken showers and baths together.

One of your hands was rested on the small of his back, the other hung to his neck. They stood still in their positions for a while before they began to adventure through familiar territory. You pulled him closer, and with your chests rubbing against each other each move brought on a new wave of electricity.

Randy pulled back from you so he could regain his breath, but you did not let him get too far. You found your lips with his, this time with teeth and tongues massaging each other. You could taste the lingering Pitt Cola that stained Randy's mouth, it was something so familiar, yet so unique as it mixed with Randy's saliva. They said the teen gasped as you ground your hips against his. When you did it a second time he pulled away from you so he could let an airy moan out of his mouth.

"No...no." He muttered, not wanting to go to far. You were quick to stop your actions, and you faded at him with a flushed face, both from sheepishness and the previous activities.

"I'm sorry." Your eyebrows drooped as you gave him a sorry state. Man, you felt terrible. You let your instincts kick out how Randy must have felt about the entire thing.

"It's fine, we did not really go over boundaries this time." Randy's voice was quiet as he said this, and it just broke your heart. You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him close.

"I'm so sorry." Your voice cracked this time as you screwed your eyes shut. You would never let this happen again, that was a promise you would keep from now until beyond death. You breathed in Randy's scent, and you felt a little bit better as Randy wrapped your arms around you. It was a tad hesitant at first, but it was still better than the first time you went to far.

You guys just sat there and cuddled, and it was more than anything you could have ever wanted. You listened to the whispering of the wind as Randy eventually fell asleep in your arms. You looked out onto the city, Randy fastened under your arm. He was without a doubt better than even the most beautiful of sights.

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