❖I Don't Mind❖

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"In here! Come on Randy!" A loud screech rang through the empty alley as you turned into it. You pressed yourself against the frigid, brick wall, and yearning to see what caused the boisterous noise you began to scan the asphalt. When you saw dark streaks on the ground you realized that the friction that came with your abrupt stop caused skid marks.

"(Your name)!" You jumped when your name was called, "where are you?"

You cautiously looked behind the wall and took in the sight of a ruffled Randy Cunningham sprinting in your direction. Biting back your voice, you stood back; the risk of getting caught would be even greater if you decided to speak. Instead, you stretched forth your arm, so that only your wrist and above would be revealed, and waited. When he arrived at the entrance of the back street you yanked his arm, drawing him into the passage.

The force caused him to trip, taking you with him. You landed by him on the ground and winced at the pain that shot through your skull, "awe...shoot." You began to rub your temples.

"Are you okay?" Randy rested his hands on yours, causing you to look up at him. Your eyes locked and Randy's cheeks were overcame with red.

"I think they're over here!" A gruff male voice yowled. "I'm going to kill them!"

"Shoot, shoot, shootity, shoot, shoot!" You whispered, your eyes misted over with concern. "Come on Randy, we need to hide!"

The said teen tightened his grasp on your hand before helping you up. The two of you frantically searched for some place to go, sadly there was no decent hiding spot. You guys decided to just conceal yourselves behind a large recycling bin. You guys sat there for quite a while, waiting for the cluster of angered employees to pass.

When Randy was certain it was safe he stood, "And that is what we get for messing around in McMart." He pressed his hand against his chest. The adrenaline that came with that insane happening was overpowering.

Randy watched as you followed in his steps and pushed yourself off the ground. No adventure with you was ever boring, somehow your luck managed to take the simplest of things and distort it into an event beyond explanation. Ever since Randy defeated the sorcerer he realized how dull high school life truly was. It was full of precision and order, so when you came along, a (girl/boy) with chaos in your wake, he was quick to befriend you.

"That was so awesome!" You squealed and leaned against the wall. A content sigh escaped your lips as the chilly autumn wind nipped at your skin. You tipped your head towards the sky, hoping to receive an eyeful of stars, but they were cut off from the world due to the blinding city lights. You did not notice how Randy was admiring you.

The blue eyed boy took a deep breath, attempting to gather his courage, and walked up to you. His fingers brushed against your hands, when you felt this you curiously looked (up/down) at him. Randy intertwined your fingers with his own and tugged you off the wall.

"Wha-what's up?" You stuttered at the affection that Randy was exhibiting.

He shrugged, "oh, it's nothing..." he let go of one of your hands and brushed a wild strand of hair away from your eyes. Randy leaned down..., and then he was kissing you.

He placed his knee between your legs, pressing up against the covered skin of your thighs and groin. This action drew a gasp from your throat. He moved his hands so they were tracing indecipherable pictures along your backbone.

Every small action that Randy did, sent waves of electricity through your body, and you could feel your abdomen heat up with exhilaration. He drew back, allowing his moist breath to mingle with the cold air of night. After a brief pause, he busied himself with your neck, you knew that everyone in Norrisville high would be able to see the lingering marks.

Randy knew that he would be unable to hold himself back if he kept the act up, so he pushed himself off of you. You glanced at the bulge in his pants, "why did you stop?"

Randy sighed, "I won't be able to hold myself back if this goes on."

He gasped when you dropped to your knees and reached for his belt, "I don't mind..."

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