▩Let Us Run Away▩

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Once upon a time unknown, there were two people named (first name) (last name) and Randy Cunningham. The couple loved each other with everything their hearts had the ability to muster. In fact, it was to the point where their feelings for one another stretched further than the corners of the earth, ran deeper than the ocean, and was stronger than a woman scorned, yet they did not know of their feelings for each other until one fateful event....

"Randy," he looked up at you when you whispered his name, "there is something...I must tell you."

He frowned, you sounded as though you were about to recite something dreadful, "what is it?" He turned down the static coated voice that came through the radio. What exactly was the matter?

"Well...I am sorry this is so sudden," you took a deep to maintain your confidence, "I love you very much." Your confession was delightfully simple as well as straight forward.

Randy stood in shock, "You...do you truly mean it?"

"Yes," you replied, very much enjoying the way your fear seemed to melt from your chest.

Randy looked to the side, as if contemplating something, before grabbing your hand, "Please (first name), I feel the same way, so let us run away together."

"Oh, Randy," you hugged him, "let us get going, right this instance!"

"We can't, we must pack, and think of an excuse if we are caught, and-" you cut him off with a kiss on the cheek. Randy became bright red.

"Alright, alright," you smiled, "just be ready when the time comes."

"Of course," he placed his hand where you pecked his cheek, "but do I have permission to tell Howard? You know how dear he is to me."

"Only Howard, not any other soul," you wanted Randy, who just nodded in agreement.

The lovers were ready to leave their life behind, and left to the secluded enclosure of trees the rested behind the park. Oh, how wonderful their time there. They spent the time there hiding among the leaves and chasing the various animals that took shelter between the ferns and bushes. Sadly, as the time passed the sun lowered and the two became awfully hungry.

"It's getting terribly late," Randy frowned as he watched the sun sneak towards the horizon.

You stood by him, "I guess you are right, it is probably time to return home."

The sweethearts held each other's hand as they walked home, and became sad when they dropped (first name) home.

"Thank you for taking care of (first name)," you mother pat Randy's head, "your mommy is waiting for you, she made tomato soup! Say bye to Randall."

"Bye," you sighed.

"Bye," Randy waved at you before turning to walk away.

They would have stayed together longer if could have, but returning home was necessary, For (first name) (last name) is age seven, while Randy Cunningham is eight!

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