⁜Halloween Party⁜

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⇄sorry for not posting on time! I've been re plotting Norisville Detectives and I was so focused I accidentally pushed all other things to the back of my mind! I only remembered today.⇄

—reader is gender neutral—

"This is so honking Bruce!" Randy cheered before participating in his secret handshake with his best friend, Howard Weinerman. They could already hear the loud music through your large set of front double doors.

"I know right! Our first official Halloween party as high schoolers, and we got invited by the most popular person in our grade!" Howard agreed as they finished up their handshake.

"So...who's going to ring it?" Randy put on an innocent smile.

Howard sighed, "do you really still like (your name)? When are you going to get the guts to tell them?" Randy just shrugged.

"Okay, how about we do it at the same time?" Howard rolled his eyes at his friend's idea, but decided to go with it anyway.

"Whatever, let's get going chowderhead," two boys turned to the door and rung the doorbell. Your mom was the first one to open the door. She was dressed in a red and black polka dot dress, complete with a black belt, wings, a black headband that had antennas, and black high heel boots. She was dressed as a ladybug.

"Uh...hi," Randy nervously waved, "I'm Randy Cunningham, and this–" Howard cut him off.

"I am Howard Weinerman, the brucest guy in the world." Howard flexed, showing off the fact he had literally no muscle whatsoever.

"It's a pleasure to meet you guys!" Your mother waved at the pair, glee evident on her face, "(your name) has told me so much about you guys! Come on in and enjoy the party!" She opened the door a bit wider and motioned for the two boys to enter. Giddily glancing at each other, the teens complied to her request.

The music was pretty loud, even when it was muffled by the door, but when they passed in the rhythmic beat was ear splitting. Even so, it was rather difficult to hear the lyrics and the beat of the song over all the hollering of the other party goers. After much deciphering Randy was able to identify the song as Judas by Lady Gaga.

The party area was full of Randy's and Howard's peers and even a few of the older high schoolers. That in itself was rather extraordinary, the students at Norisville high often kept social interactions within their grade. "You guys made it to my party!" Randy and Howard turned around and smiled when they saw you. You were charging towards them with a chocolate cookie resting in your hands. Howard gave Randy a suggestive look, which made Randy blush, before sauntering away.

"Uh, yeah!" Randy turned his attention away from Howard and nervously grinned at you.

"What exactly are you?" You motioned to Randy's skinny jeans and black tank top. You stuffed the rest of the cookie in your mouth.

"What? You don't know who I am? He is from a game I play all the time." Randy crossed his arms.

"Uhh...Zen from Mystic Messenger?" You voiced the only video game character you could think of.

"What? No!" It began to click a bit.

"Oh! You that one guy from that one game...uh...Grave Smasher!"

Randy could not help but smile "Grave Puncher," Randy corrected with a lopsided grin, "(what/who) are you?"

"I'm (a) (insert costume/cosplay)!" You showed off your costume with a grin.

"That's Bruce." Randy chuckled at your enthusiasm. You always became so excited when Halloween came around, you enjoyed making and wearing the costumes.

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