Cheating! Randy x reader

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Wow Ghosting, it's about time you posted you walking dumpster.


You knew what was happening the moment it began, for Randy was not the most...impressive liar. It all started out small, usually with him making excuses so he won't have to kiss you or snuggles with you, but it steadily worsened. He began to avoid you all together! He made excuses so you won't hang out with him, he became fidgety whenever you saw him with other girls, heck, he even stood you up on your dates!

All the signs pointed to Randy cheating, it was the most logical explanation! You are one to put comprehension and inference over heart, for knowledge is comprised of truth while heart is founded on feeling, illusion, and the limitations of man!

"That was very deep," your friend, Heidi Wienerman, absentmindedly droned as she applied a second layer of nail polish.

"Uwah!" You turned in her direction. "Did you even hear me? My B.F. might be two timing me and you don't even care!"

"Look," Heidi pushed herself off the couch, "Andy-"

"Randy," you spat back.

"Mandy," she 'corrected' herself, "does not seem like the type to do that, at least from what you say. Besides, you do tend to...overreact."

"I do not overreact!" You shouted back, a scowl etched into your features.

"You kinda just did," Heidi replied and closed her bottle of nail polish.

You sighed, "so what, it's time to catch him in the act!"

.:time skip brought to you by a pole dancing Randy:.

You and Heidi were standing outside of Randy's bedroom door. Because of your awesome ninja skills you were easily able to kick down the door (A.K.A you knocked on it and kindly asked Mrs. Cunningham if she could let you in).

"You mentally prepared for this?" Heidi turned on her video camera before questioning you.

"Not at all, you think I am ever prepared for anything?" You swiftly replied.

"That is a good point," Heidi smirked, "open the door."

You slowly turned the door handle, cringing when it made little squeaks. Why were the noises door make the loudest when you were doing something stealthy? 'Screw it,' you thought before shoving the door open.

"What are you doing!" You shrieked, which in turn made Randy jump. It took you a while to comprehend the scene, but when you finished, you backed away with a gasp. "...Randy!"

He was laying there in bed...eating her out.

"What the juice are you doing?" Randy seemed genuinely confused, did he not care that he was showing off such lewd activities to his girlfriend.

"I can't believe it...," tears began to slide down your cheeks, "your cheating on me with...with...cereal."

"What?" Randy are some more, which made you cry even harder.

"How could you!" Heidi stormed in and snatched the box of cereal from Randy's hands. "(First name) only gave you her best and this is what you do to her? What kind of monster are you?"

"You're so cruel Randy!" You cried and took the cereal from Heidi. Randy and your ginger friend watched in disbelief as you began to beat up the breakfast food box. "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR TAKING HIM AWAY FROM ME!"

"LET HER GO (first name)!" Heidi screamed. "SHE MAY HAVE DONE SOMETHING CRUEL, BUT KILLING HER IS NOT THE ANSWER!" None of you guys noticed how Randy stepped away with his hands clamped over his mouth, tears falling down his face.

You punched and kicked and scratched the box of cereal until you were covered in her crumbs. Even though revenge was served you felt much for putting logic above feeling.

Randy limped over to the box of cereal before breaking out into a crying fit. He fell on his knees and stroked the box, "no...NOOOOOOOOOO!" He threw his head back as his pained cry escaped.

This would be a day that everyone will remember.

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