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Lily's POV

I was awoken by a rather loud, irritating knocking noise. I opened my eyes and realised someone was at my front door. As much as I didn't want to get out of this bed, I forced myself to stand up and make my way down the stairs.

"Harry?" I asked, surprised as I opened the door to see him standing there, a small grin on his face.

"Megan said you were sick, I just came to see you, I have McDonald's" he said, holding up a bag with a smile. I couldn't suppress the grin on my face as I moved to the side to let him in.

"Come in" I said.

Me and Harry walked upstairs and into my room, a smile on my face as i'd realised what a nice thing Harry had done for me.

"So how're you feeling?"Harry asked.

"Better now I've slept and taken some anti-sickness" I replied with a shy smile.

"That's good"

"Wanna watch a movie or something? Or do you have to get back to classes?" I asked Harry

"Yeah, we could watch a movie if you want"

I watched as Harry took a seat on the edge of my bed, quickly I decided to put in the hunger games and made my way back over to my bed and lay there, Harry still sat at the edge.

"I don't bite you know, you can get comfortable" I giggled, although the noise was terrible conjoined with my sickness but Harry just smiled and made him self comfortable, our arms at the mere touch.

I stayed watching the movie with Harry, eating the fries and nuggets he had got for me, which reminded me, I still needed to thank him. I look over at him to find him with his arms folded behind his head, his eyes closed as he was asleep.

I took this time to admire him, I would not like to show Harry that I find him attractive. My eyes slowly trail down his body taking in his toned abs which were even visible through the material of his white cotton shirt. Due to his arms behind his head, the bottom of his stomach and his V lines were on show, it was hard to trail my eyes away from such an attractive sight.

Somewhere through admiring Harry, eating McDonald's and watching the movie I drifted of into a slumber, feeling something heavy lie across my waist to pull me closer.

I felt something toned and hard yet very comfortable underneath my head which led me to realise that somewhere through me and Harry falling asleep, he had pulled me closer into his touch and I had agreed

I tilted my head to look at him only to find him staring down at me, his bottom lip taken in between his teeth looking really good.

Neither of us made a move to shift away from each other, I focused my eyes on my phone in my hand staying lay with Harry and hearing him say something I never thought I would hear from him.

"I cannot possible explain how much I want to be the right guy for you. I'm going to show you. I'm going to show you how good I can be. I'm going to prove that I can be the guy you want and deserve"

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