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Harry's POV

"what why?" The confusion was clear in my speech. I though she liked me.

"I'm afraid" lily answered Looking at me as if she had never seen me before, we both knew what we wanted, she just didn't know how to express it.

"Afraid of what?" I asked before grazing my lips softly over hers, hearing a gasp escape her lips as i continued to gaze intently into her deep eyes.

"This" she whispered against my lips.

"Be Mine?" I questioned when I pulled.

Lily put her head down causing me to place my index finger under her chin and lift her head up, I wanted her to tell me, tell me that she's mine.

I kissed her lips once again.

"I want you. I want to be able to kiss you whenever I like. I want to tell everybody that your my girl. I want to protect you from all the dicks out there" I said, once again softy brushing my lips against hers.

"Be mine?" I whispered.

Lilys POV

"Be mine?"  Harry asked he pulled away and looked down at me.
I hesitantly nodded and he kissed me once again. Harry had been trying. He was the only one that looked after me when I was sick, he looks at me in admiration and he always has protected me when I've needed it.

"Say it" Harry whispered

"I'm yours" i whispered, i think all along i knew something like this was bound to happen. Just looking at harry now, i can see the beauty inside of him.

The curly brown hair, perfectly pushed back out of his glistening face. The dimples that cover each side of his perfect mouth which contains his pearly white teeth. That smile, that can brighten up anybody's day in a second without hesitation and the voice. God that voice is enough to easily seduce somebody, not saying anything about it but honestly the voice was perfect, he was perfect.

And I was his.

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