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Lily's POV

I was feeling much better now, however I was still on doctors orders to take my anti-sickness pills. It was now Tuesday and I was in my last period, gym.
I changed into my gym kit and applied a high pony tail to my hair.

I walked out and sat on the bleacher benches. Harry walked over with some other guys.

"Hey lily, these are my best mates, Niall, Liam, Louis and Zayn"

I received a chorused 'hi'

"Hey I'm lily"

"I'm Louis" The one with the buzz cut enthusiastically smiled and he jumped on the balls of his feet, the contrasts between his attitude and the dark tattoos that inked alot of his skin, the piercing in his lip could make you think he was somebody to be scared of, when in fact, he wasnt.

"Zayn" A slightly more tanned boy said,his hair was styled upwards with a slight strip of blonde, to say he was also gorgeous was definitely a misunderstanding, he was hot.

"Hey,I'm Liam" the Buff one said, don't get me wrong all these guys were muscular, but jeez i just wanted to run my hands all up Liam's arms to feel his big arms.

"Niall" The blonde one,with the Irish accent smiled as he stuck his hand out for me to shake, which i did. God he was...sexy, the accent,the hair, the smirk, it was every girls dream boy, but i already had mine.

They all had pretty similar appearances, covered in tattoos and piercings, these signature smirks and hair, but really, they were all nice guys.
After the boys walked away Harry stayed.

"so how you feeling?" Harry asked.

"Great actually" I replied.

"Thats good,your house or my house? To finish this project?" He asked.

"Mine" I answered.


When Harry arrived at my house we went straight to my bedroom and started to work on or MacBooks.

"You write out the questionnaires and I'll start on the PowerPoint, we need to get pictures this week" I told Harry and he replied with a simple nod and a cheeky smile.


"We'll that was long" Harry huffed once we had finished the project which honestly felt like it took forever.

"I left spaces for the pictures" I replied.

I walked into my bathroom and washed my face and dried it with a towel.
I walked back out and Harry's arms were placed above my head with me pressed against the wall.

"Admit it" he said

"what?"I asked

"You've fallen for me as much as I have you" he smirked, his hot breath fanning over my face as we stared into each others eyes for what must of been at least 2 minutes.

"I can't do that" i whispered as he smirk lowered turning into a quick frown.

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