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Lily's POV

Today was Friday, this's week was pretty good and I managed only to have little conversations with Harry learning he is also in my photography class.

I walked to my last class of the day. Which just so happened to be photography and took my usual seat at the back of the room, other kids filed in along side there friends, others walking in alone.

After the class had filed in with no sign of Harry. Our teacher told us about a partner project and that he had chosen our partners for us. Before he could explain the project the door burst open revealing Harry.

"Mr styles, you're late" the teacher yelled.

"Yeah I know" Harry replied with a huge smirk on his face.

Harry walks towards me noticing one of the many spare seats in the room but unfortunately but kind of expected he took the seat next to me, not daring to look over at me.

"Mr Styles,we were just discussing our next partner project, and yes Harry will be working with you Miss Scott"

I sighed and tucked my hair behind my ear, knowing fighting against this would only make things worse and I wouldn't win an argument about my terrible partner.

"Now on with the project, you two have 2 weeks to learn everything about each other. Write some questions on a piece of paper and exchange then with you partner, you must create a Power Point of it, with pictures of the two of you, doing something you both enjoy." The teacher said.

He read out his list of the partners and told us we have the rest of the class to do as we please. Quickly, I took out my phone checking my messages.

1 new message
From: Megan
Meet me and Sarah tonight?x

Without thinking, I quickly let Megan know that I will be waiting at 5pm tonight at the local Starbucks we attend, waiting for her reply

1 new message
From: Megan
Great I'll see you there xx :p

"Who you textin' babe?" A husky voice asked but before I looked up I recognized the voice as Harry's. However I would much rather not talk to him.

"None of your business" I snapped.

"Feisty, I like it" Harry retorted.

"What do you want Harry?" I asked.

"Just to tell you, I'll pick you up tomorrow at 6 and take you to my place to do this project"

"Fine, what's your number? I'll text you my address."

Harry snatched my phone and typed some things in, once he handed it back to me I checked and saw Harry had texted his phone, so he had my number and I had his.

I was then saved by the bell and ran outside to my locker. I opened my locker and started to put my books back in the right spaces. Suddenly I felt unfamiliar hands roaming my waist so I shut my eyes before feeling the slamming of my back against the lockers.

I opened my eyes and looked up to meet unfamiliar brown eyes staring back at me.

"Hey babe...  Your pretty fucking sexy... You up for a party with me?" he smirked.

"No thanks, I'm fine." I hissed .

"Feisty, I like it" he smirked back.

Funny Harry said the same thing less than 10 minutes ago, surprisingly, I would rather hear it coming from Harry's lips than this guys.

"Move you dick!" I yelled at him.

Earning the attention of the whole corridor.

"What did you just call me?" He asked

"You? Oh? A dick" I hissed back.

I felt my shoulders being pushed harder and harder into the lockers causing me to yelp in pain, feeling his hands roam dangerously close to my thighs, I tried to push him off me, but failed miserably.

"Not so feisty anymore now are we?" The guy asked me.

He raised his fist ready to throw a punch at me, so I shut my eyes tightly waiting for the impact to leave some kind of dent in my face, but it never came.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw the guy fist being pinned back into Harry's hand. The boys eyes widen, realising he had been stopped by Harry Styles. He tries to regain his posture throwing a swing at Harry which he dodged.

Suddenly, Harry threw multiple punches to the guys face and no one tried to stop Harry. 'School badass' does have a reputation I guess.
Harry kept hitting the guy, so I ran over gripping Harry's shoulders knowing I couldn't let this go on any longer, especially because it was over me.

Harry's fist connected with the other boys jaw as I yelled to Harry.

"Harry stop!"


"Harry your gonna kill him"

Still no answer.

Harry pushed me back and hissed at me.

"Move Lily"

Even with the tears threatening to spill from my eyes, I take a bold move standing I between the two boys, not caring if I get hit. Harry seems to register that it's me stood here so another punch is not thrown. The other guy sits on the floor, people surrounding him checking his health

Nobody had ever spoken to me like that and quite honestly, it hurt... I hated the way Harry treated me like I was just an object and not a human with feelings.

I turned my back and ran out the school doors. I ran outside to the side of the school and ran to my car, sitting in the front seat, I threw my bag into the passenger seat and let my tears spill heavily.

"Lil" A voice asked from outside my window.

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