Chapter 1 - Teegan

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"Stop calling me ma'am," I told Jason. His military bearing did little to sway me to accept the title.

"Yes, ma'am," Jason responded with a smile. I could feel Caleb laughing through the link. He knew the word made me uncomfortable. I was neither old nor deserving of respect. It's something you called a grandmother. Jason was maybe ten years my senior. His short red hair looked as if it was meant for a uniform, though he had told me he hadn't worn one in years. Ex-army ranger with six years of service. I sighed, knowing it would take some time for me to get used to the word, or change his ways.

The car pulled through a special gate at the airport, one I didn't know existed. A guard, probably TSA, checked the driver's ID against some list on a tablet. A brief exchange of words and we were waved through without inspection. I was surprised by the trust. It was an international airport.

"Don't we go through a security check?" Caleb asked as he watched the guard closing the gate after we had passed.

"No, sir," Jason said, turning in the front seat to face us. I felt Caleb's surprise at the 'sir' moniker. It made me smile to know that our head of security unintentionally insulted us equally. "We have been pre-cleared. This portion of the airport doesn't have access to normal passenger traffic."

"We have a special charter or something?" Caleb asked. He was as impressed as I was with the efficiency of the operation.

"Nope, we're using Miss Fuller's plane," Jason said smiling at me. It was the same smile he had when I bonded with him at the hospital.

"Teegan, please." I tried again to lower the undeserved respect. "What to do you mean, mine?" The bond exposed my security as dedicated, and I knew it had to do with my past. Someone with a lot of money was making sure Caleb and I survived. Neither of us doubted the authenticity of the protection. We welcomed it after the sniper and the maniac at the hospital.

"That," Jason replied, pointing out the windshield, "is yours, ma'am." I ignored the honorific this time. My eyes were entranced by the sleek white jet that our SUV was approaching. There were steps embedded in the door that were open to the ground. Two large jet engines cradled the tail behind a dozen portal windows. The wing tips were upturned to the sky, and the pointed nose bowed toward the ground, giving it the appearance of a fast bird of prey.

"Damn," Caleb breathed.


"Yes, ma'am," Jason said with a chuckle. "Mr. Watterson will explain everything when we get to Portland."


"Oregon, ma'am," Jason replied. The SUV pulled to a stop next to the plane. Jason stopped us from getting out, ordering us kindly to wait for the driver and him to exit first. They quickly surveyed the area then opened the door closest to the planes gangway. Caleb exited first, looking around for threats. He was as spooked as I was after the incident at the hospital. His hand was waiting for me as I stepped from the car. A feeling of privilege, like I was some wealthy supermodel, sat uncomfortably in my stomach. Bodyguards and help exiting the car were so foreign and undeserved, though the protection did make me feel better.

"It feels weird," Caleb whispered as we shared our feelings through the link. I acknowledged his words silently through the bond. Jason walked next to me, on the other side from Caleb. The driver took up a position behind me. They were shielding me with their bodies. I didn't like the idea that they believed my life was more important than theirs. They could have families depending on them. I wasn't the ma'am they thought I was.

The interior of the plane was more luxurious than most people's homes. Three sets of large tan leather chairs turned into each other on one side of the plane. The tables between the seats were made of highly polished wood with an artistic swirling grain. Along the other side was a leather couch that could seat ten or more. The flooring looked like it was made from a single slab of marble. At the rear of the plane, a large flat panel was mounted on the wall.

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