Chapter 11 - Teegan

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"The message to your parents was delivered yesterday afternoon," Victor said. He was holding a tablet in his hands reading down a list. "The press has gotten wind of your inheritance and we expect it to be public knowledge tomorrow. May I suggest a teleconference with your key CEOs, letting them know before they read it in the newspaper."

I sipped my tea, trying to fathom the idea of having key CEOs. I woke up thinking I had one goal in life; find the people who killed Jason. It was stupid to think Corbett's empire ran itself, but it had gotten along without me so why couldn't it now? I wasn't sure I could multitask and I certainly wasn't confident enough to hold a meeting. Victor was looking at me, waiting for my response.

"I have CEOs?" I said stupidly.

"Good ones," Victor responded, "and they'll need reassurance that you don't intend any immediate changes." He paused a moment and gave me a strange look. "Unless you intend to change things."

"No," I said quickly, "I don't know enough to make any decisions. Who's been running things since Corbett died?"

"I have," Victor replied, "Mr. Corbett thought it best that I handled the trust since I knew the businesses and you."

"Teegan doesn't have full control until she's 21," Caleb said, making it sound like a question.

"Legally, yes," Victor said, "though I will defer to her judgement as long as I don't deem it overly detrimental to wealth preservation."

"You won't let me make any stupid decisions," I clarified.

"Just not expensive ones," Victor said, adding a smile.

"And what will these CEOs say when they see a high school dropout is now in charge?" I asked.

"That would depend on how you handle it," Victor said. The thought of talking with influential business people piled on the stress. I didn't have the experience to make any rational decisions. The one thing I didn't need was key people making panicked moves that would upset the applecart. I had to make sure that everyone knew I had no intention of disturbing the status quo, at least until I had a better understanding of what the status quo was.

"I agree," Caleb said to me, smiling. He was thinking the same thing and had felt my internal panic attack. Suddenly the decision held more merit. I loved the support he gave me, even though Victor looked confused at his statement.

"Set up the meeting," I told Victor, "we need to make sure that everyone knows I have no intention of changing anything until I understand what's what. My guess is that will take years."

"Yes, Ms. Fuller," Victor said, tapping on the tablet. I could see he thought my decision was a good one. I found it funny that the decision to make no decisions was the best decision. "Detective Cruthers has asked for a meeting this afternoon."

"Has she found something?" Caleb asked.

"I suspect so," Victor said, "she's had our investigators working overtime. I've been getting reports, but the way she parcels out the work it's hard to assemble a coherent story. I think she may have a lead on Anthony Lewis, somewhere around Monterey, California."

"We definitely want to meet with her," I said, sharing some heavy thoughts with Caleb. Victor nodded. "Make sure Terence is there as well," I added, thinking I would like his input as well.

"How should I handle the press?" Victor asked. "They'll be calling once the news is out."

"What do you suggest?" I asked. That's all I needed, another pile of things to do. I'd always figured rich people sat around all day drinking bai tais on their yachts.

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