Chapter 18 - Caleb

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I took the stairs two at a time. I could feel Teegan's fear building amongst a million other emotions. The timing couldn't be worse, my inadequacies announcing themselves loudly, convincing me of my incompetence for the task at hand. I ran past Victor, who looked confused at my speed as I burst into the bedroom. Teegan was sitting on the edge of the bed, her hand over her skinny belly.

"It was just that one time," I said, stupidly. Maybe more than once.

"I'm scared," Teegan said, reaching for me. "I love her too much already." Something opened inside of Teegan, a barrier that had been private even from me. I felt her then, pure innocence unscathed by the sins of the world, a fresh, clean mind that knew my song and instantly owned my soul.

"She's beautiful," I sighed. Teegan nodded, tears running down her cheeks. It didn't matter that we weren't ready. I embraced my loves letting the unknown future drift from my thoughts. My daughter's song swamped us, unhindered by any desire or waiting for our agreement. She simply was there and took our love for granted. The pure unconditional love of a child.

"What are we going to do?" Teegan whispered in my ear. I pulled her closer.

"Love her," I answered. Our daughter wasn't going to give us a choice. I closed my eyes and let Teegan and our child invade my mind. Life had thrown a lot of crap at us, but this was more than wonderful. Sure, it came with a host of problems, but it held so much promise. I could almost see my daughter's smile.

"Our parents are going to flip," Teegan whispered.

"I'll just have to marry you then," I joked, and didn't. Teegan pushed me back and looked into my eyes. I was wearing a smile, and I didn't look away. I was a coward really, asking without asking. It's not like she would say no.

"You just want my money," Teegan quipped.

"Actually, I was after more sex. The money is just a bonus."

"I'm going to get fat. You want to make love to a fat girl?"

"Skinny, fat, or anything in between. As long as it's you," I said. I tried not to laugh at the images that she conjured in her head. All I imagined was beauty, and not the sloppy bouncing jelly belly she dreamed up.

"You're getting horny thinking of me fat," Teegan commented as she messed in my mind. She was surprised by my desires. "Oh, you stinker. It's because we don't have to think about condoms anymore." She was laughing as her hand slapped my arm. I couldn't help if the practicality of the situation made me aware of the issue. The things were a necessary evil and kept me from being as close to Teegan as possible.

"It did come to mind," I said.

"You are so male," Teegan commented, then grabbed my face and kissed me hard. A true proof of love is accepting a kiss after morning sickness. She let go of my head and stood up. "I'm going to brush my teeth, and you're going to lock the door." I watched her cute little tush wiggle its way back to the bathroom. I had no idea why the idea of Teegan pregnant increased my desire, but I needed to adjust myself so I could walk comfortably to the door. I tried to imagine her with a distended belly on her trim frame. It brought a smile to my face.

"Stop it!" Teegan called from the bathroom. It was her unserious voice. I thought harder, seeing us maneuvering on the bed to join in new ways, ways that a big belly and swollen breasts would allow. I could almost feel the firmness of her belly, tight with our child within. With the door locked, I started to remove my shirt. I was barely back to the bed when Teegan tackled me, throwing me on my back.

"You have a dirty mind," Teegan said as she undid my buckle. I could feel the lust building in her, growing quickly like mine. "I didn't know you had a thing for fat women," she added with a chuckle. I tried to lean up and help her undress, but she pushed me back with a laugh.

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