Chapter 38 - Sam

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"They're on the ground," I said loud enough for both Natalie and Zane to hear. I put the paper on the coffee table. I wasn't reading it anyway. It had been nearly four months since we had seen Teegan last. We had flown to Portland for her marriage and to welcome Rose into the family. It still amazed me that my baby was a mother.

"She knows it's my birthday, right?" Zane said as he came down the stairs.

"Settle down, greedy one," I said, trying to not to laugh, "I'm sure she remembers."

"Well, she wasn't here last year," Zane said.

"She was busy then. It's not like she forgot. How many of your friends got a prototype of the next hot gaming system for their birthday?" Natalie said as she came from the study. She was glowing in a very appealing way. Grandmotherhood suited her well.

"Yeah, well, she wasn't here," Zane said, looking a little shameful. Natalie hugged him tight, and he feigned struggling to get away.

"Well this birthday we'll all be together," Natalie said, smiling at me. I loved what that smile did to her eyes. They were sparkling, and I caught a glimpse of the girl that became the woman that became my wife. I smiled back and received a different look, the one that told me that I might want to conserve my energy for later. My favorite look of all.

The doorbell rang, and Zane went running.

"I'm sure it's the McGuires," I said, not wanting him to be too disappointed. "It's a long drive from the airport." Lucky for his self-esteem, the McGuires had an armful of presents. His sister moved to the back burner for the next few moments. You'd think a 17-year-old would have a bit more maturity. Natalie winked at me. Then again, why ever grow up?


"They landed over two hours ago. What could be taking so long?" Natalie asked.

"They spent some time in the city. They're almost here now," I said, feeling my Teegan's excitement. It was good to know she enjoyed coming home. Nothing would be worse than for her to think it was some kind of duty.

"You'd think Caleb would bring her right over. It's not like him to dilly dally," Jack said. He had been pacing. I laughed, remembering the first time Teegan had placed Rose in his arms. Jack had looked like he intended to keep her. Pride was the first thing that was evident, love was the second. When he touched her face, you'd have thought heaven had opened its doors. Rose was every bit as powerful as my Stinky. Uncontrolled love thrown at anyone who touched her.

"I'm sure they had their reasons," Grace said. "Good heavens Jack, just sit down and relax."

"Let him pace, Grace," Natalie said. "I've been doing that half the morning. It's not like we have hundreds of grandchildren."

"How do we know that Rose didn't catch something in Korea?" Jack said.

"Jack!" Grace interrupted, "Do you really think your son would risk his child?"

"It's just that they're so young," Jack said, waving his arms, "we could have gone with them. You know, babysit when they do...whatever it is that they do."

"That doesn't sound like a bad idea," I said, bouncing my finger in the air. "Between the two of us, we probably could organize enough time." Jack looked at me, and I could tell we were in sync. It was concerning that they were traveling around the planet with a baby.

"Stop," Natalie said, "and don't you two dare bring up any of your cockamamie plans. If they want help, they'll ask for it."

"You'll make them think we don't trust them," Grace added. Damn, both women were in sync as well. "We'll be lucky to ever see them again if you two start second guessing their parenting."

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