Chapter 37 - Teegan

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Garcia opened the door for Caleb and I. He had been glum all morning, ever since I had informed him that I intended to keep my promise to the Colonel. I was being given the red carpet treatment since we had arrived on base. Officers were leading me about, asking if I wanted something to drink or possibly something to eat. I politely declined.

Garcia rolled his eyes as Captain Reinhold was explaining the primary mission of McChord Airbase. I could hear his pride in the mission though I sensed he was oblivious to why I was there. It must have been difficult for him not to know if I was important, or just some granddaughter of someone important.

"This tour is wonderful Captain, but I thought I was supposed to meet with Colonel Righthouse," I said, trying to forestall the descriptions of all the combat aircraft on the base. It's not that it wasn't interesting, I just wasn't in the mood to take it all in. Caleb was chuckling inside and struggling not to let it show on his face.

"Yes, of course. I'm stalling ma'am," Reinhold said. "I was told not to let you into the meeting room until 10:30, I not sure why."

"Then we have 20 minutes," I said, looking at the wall clock. "I guess some water would be nice, maybe juice if you have it."

"And you sir?" Reinhold asked Caleb.

"Coffee for me," Caleb said, then smiled, "and I would like to hear about the planes." Boys and their toys. Reinhold smiled and pointed to a couch in the lounge area.

"Have a seat, and I'll see what I can rustle up." I waited for Reinhold to leave before I spoke.

"At least they're kind about it," I said to Garcia.

"The recruiters are always kind when you enlist," Gracia said. "Wait until boot camp starts."

"Do they take people up in the jets?" Caleb asked. I could feel his excitement about the idea. He was as resigned as I was about the situation. At least he'd try and make the best of it and fulfill a fighter pilot fantasy.

"I suspect if Teegan asked, the answer would be yes," Garcia replied.

"We'll see," I teased. It was a hopeless tease with Caleb knowing exactly what was in my mind. I was hit with rather erotic images of him convincing me to say yes later. Now who was the tease?

I was brought three kinds of juices; orange, grape, and apple. Reinhold must have had orders that I was to be treated like a queen, or as much as one could be on a military base. I chose the apple and thanked him.

We spent the next twenty minutes discussing things of no great importance. I found out that Reinhold was married and just had a baby boy two months ago. That was much more interesting than any planes on the base. I grilled him about all the newborn things I was worried about. It was a subject we both found interesting, though Caleb kept trying to steer the conversation back to planes.

At 10:29, Reinhold led us toward the meeting room. I thanked him, having traded phone numbers so that I could call if I had any other baby questions. He promised that his wife would be more than happy to answer them better than he ever could. It excited me since I didn't know anyone else who recently went through what I was about to go through. Caleb figured love would be enough. I knew it would be work and I wanted to be perfect at it.

The room was little different than what you'd expect in a corporate boardroom. Nice wood furniture with a fancy coffee and water setting atop a long credenza. The long table with big comfy chairs could seat around twenty people though there were only three sitting at the far end. The Colonel and two civilians, a man and a woman. The man's face brightened when I walked in. The woman just smiled politely. She had an air of entitlement about her, sitting tall and perfectly groomed.

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