Chapter 24 - Anthony

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"Damn it, Trevor. Why didn't you call me sooner?" I yelled into the phone. I was already moving out the door. I was a good thirty minutes away from the hospital. "Gather everyone. No one is exempt - everyone to the hospital." I slammed the door for emphasis, though I knew it wouldn't sound the same over the phone. I disconnected and ran to my car.

The bitch announced she was coming. Mr. Sabbatini was right, evil has no boundaries. If it was a massacre it wanted, a massacre it would get. I jumped into the front seat and reached into the glove compartment. My colt was resting empty. I retrieved it and a clip. A second later, I was flying down the road fully loaded.

If the bitch kills him, I'll tear her apart. Her and her whole damn family, and everyone who ever helped her. God needed a victory, and I was going to give it to him. That bomb should have ended this. So many people have died to try and rid the world of this evil, and now it comes down to me. Knowing traffic, help would be an hour behind me, and that's only if Trevor gets off his ass and moves quickly. Idiot. I couldn't believe he knew about the CNBC story for over an hour before he thought to call me. Probably covering his skin, risking the world for his worthless life.

Thoughts of life without Mr. Sabbatini brushed my mind. I threw them aside. I would be in time because I had to be. There was no other alternative. He is as much my father as I am his son. If it wanted him, it would have to go through me. I pushed the pedal to the floor as I merged onto the highway. Maybe I could get there in twenty minutes. 

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