Chapter 3 - Caleb

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My girlfriend is rich. Teegan was still in denial, and I had to admit I could barely believe it. It was either the truth, or someone spent an enormous amount of money to fool us. The latter was too out there to consider. Every time I tried to solidify it in my mind, Teegan's thoughts overwhelmed the evidence. It was the responsibility she disliked. If it wasn't true, she was still free to wander in my dreams of being on stage. The idea of spending your life as my groupee appealed to her, and to me.

The captain announced our landing, and we all took our seats. Jason became more serious, his mind turning toward security as we neared the ground.

"I'll descend the stairs first," Jason said, speaking to Teegan. "A car will be waiting for us, and we'll move directly toward it. It pays to be vigilant until we're safely at home."

"So, I'm a prisoner," Teegan growled. I could feel the stress all of this was causing her. I sent some love, reminding her as if she could forget, that we were stuck in this together. It was easy to make her smile when I reminded her of what took place in the bed not too long ago.

"Yes," Jason surprisingly answered, "at least until we can locate and neutralize whoever wants you dead."

"What if I don't want to be locked up?" Teegan asked. Her tone became calmer as I sent visions of what we could do locked up together.

"Then you risk the people around you," Jason replied. "We'll be in the line of fire." Teegan turned in her seat and looked directly at Jason.

"Do I pay you enough to get in the way?" Teegan queried.

"Nope," Jason said, "that's why I'm planning to lock you up at home." I cocked my head to see the smile on his face. The man liked to tease. He injected humor, welcome or not, in almost every situation.

"Maybe we can work out a per bullet bonus plan," Teegan joked.

"With a hefty knife rider," Jason hit back. I felt Teegan strengthen and her thoughts, mixing with mine, come to a conclusion. I was proud of the woman I loved.

"I won't be locked up," Teagan said, "so a bonus may be in order. I intend to find these people who shot my brother. If it means me playing the bait, then that's what will happen."

"That's not a wise course of action, ma'am," Jason said, his smile had disappeared, and his eyes narrowed. Teegan sat back pleased with herself.

"I thought we agreed you'd call me Teegan," she said, her eyes sparkling with pleasure. She enjoyed catching Jason off guard.

"Not when we argue, ma'am," Jason continued, "my job is to keep you alive." The word had lost its power with Teegan. She was smiling at me like it was some kind of victory. I could feel the plane decreasing in altitude quickly.

"The mission's the same," I said, looking into Teegan's eyes. "We just don't want to hide for the rest of our lives." Jason was shaking his head. I assume he was wondering what he had gotten himself into.

"You'll duck when I say duck," Jason ordered, trying to take control again.

"Yes, sir," Teegan replied, with an emphasis on sir. She was laughing inside when Jason grunted. He was designed for a clear chain of command. Teegan liked things to be more of a partnership, and it messed with his mind. Leadership was a thing for generals and presidents.

The jet made an almost unnoticeable landing. I had to look out the window to verify we were actually down. Jason moved quickly to the front of the plane. I could tell he wanted to clear the way before Teegan expressed any more determination. It felt good to know that there was someone besides me concerned with her safety. Teegan smiled inside at my concern. She liked it as well.

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