Chapter 22 - Teegan

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I looked worse than I thought. My chin was missing some skin, and after Caleb carefully cleaned it, it looked like a diseased patch of red speckles. His kiss, more serious than usual, did wonders for the mental healing. Caleb escaped the blast with only a heavily bruised elbow, which he had inadvertently used to break his fall. It was an ugly purple color that was sure would look worse in the morning. I knew it hurt him to bend it, but I let him pretend it was fine. He needed to protect me. I needed him, period.

We returned to the main cabin when the pilot announced take off. Garcia was having a heated conversation on the phone. Rank seemed to have diminished in the light of recent events.

"God damn it, they blew up the whole building," Garcia yelled into the phone. There was a pause as he listened.

"Yes, she'll agree to your demands, but she has some of her own. Give her some national security cover and have FBI agents waiting in Seattle."

"No, I don't think she intends to follow the rules. Damn it; they blew up a retirement home, and we probably gave them the target. You want to know what she's capable of, well let her loose on this scum." There was a long pause and Garcia's face softened. He closed his eyes for a moment, digesting whatever he was hearing.

"Yes, sir. As soon as it's over," Garcia said. There was sadness in his tone as he disconnected.

"They want you to report to McChord Airbase when this is finished," Garcia told me. He wasn't happy about it. I suspected the payment would be stiff.

"And the FBI?" I asked.

"As many agents as they can muster," Garcia said. "They'll answer to me. Just let me know what you need." He looked at the floor of the plane. "You have no idea what you've done. They'll turn you into some kind of guinea pig."

"Thank you, Captain," I said, "It will be worth it if no one else has to die."

"You're not meant to be a test subject," Garcia said. "I hate that I'm part of what's going to happen. It's like I'm turning off a bright light, forcing more darkness into the world."

"I'm just a girl," I said. It's probably best I returned to that role. Caleb smiled at me and internally changed my wording. Yes, a woman to my lover. "I'm sure we can work out a relationship that will benefit both my family and the military." I put my hand on my tummy. Somehow my daughter recognized my thoughts, and I felt her warmth surge through me. Caleb felt it as well.

"Terence, can you get Detective Cruthers on the phone?" I asked. I basked in my baby's warmth, cradled in Caleb's love while I waited for the Detective. My life was going to change again. I wondered what turns it would take. Certainly not ones I would choose if I had a choice. Had I ever had a choice?

"Ms. Fuller, this isn't a good time," Cruthers hastily told me. "There's been an explosion, and it's all hands on deck. Can I call you back when the smoke clears?"

"I was there," I said.


"It was meant for me. I'm on my way to Seattle to finish this," I said, trying to add strength to my words. I no longer felt in the right, wanting revenge more than justice. It required a determination that everyone around me needed to see. No one could doubt my resolve, or they might talk me out of it. "I need to know where to go once we land. Have you located Anthony Lewis?"

"No, he never stays put long enough," Cruthers said. "I'm not sure you should be doing this on your own. These people have taken the gloves off."

"What about The Wonderful Word of the Lord? Give me someone in a leadership role. They would know about Lewis."

"Sure, but they probably won't tell you."

"They won't have a choice," I said. Caleb wasn't comfortable with the way I sounded. It was a little ominous. I relaxed my voice. "I'll be able to get what I need."

"Sabbatini is still in the books as the owner of the holding company. I'm not sure who is actually running things. He's bedridden, hospice I believe. The paper trail is so obfuscated, it will take me a few more weeks to decipher the real players."

"I'll start with Sabbatini. Where's he located?"

"I'm not even sure he's all there, mentally that is," Cruthers said.

"I have a way with the elderly," I said. My eyes welled up as I remembered Mrs. Tisdale again. I forced the memory away. Plenty of time for grieving later. "Just tell me where he is."

"A place called Rolling Meadows. It's a small private hospital outside of the city. I think you're wasting your time with this one. My investigations tell me he's not very communicative. If you give me some more time, I'll find out who is running the show."

"There is no more time," I said. "Thank you, detective." I disconnected before she could suggest something reasonable that I might agree to. Putting things off just put more people at risk.

"Are you sure this is what you want to do, Ms. Fuller?" Terence asked me. I could see the fear in his eyes. Not for himself, but for his charge. Jason's sacrifice still ran deep in his veins.

"Yes, and I hope you'll be next to me the whole way," I replied.

"I was about to suggest that very thing, ma'am," Terence said, then looked at Caleb, "not that I don't have faith in you, Mr. McGuire."

"An extra set of eyes would be most welcome," Caleb said. They nodded to each other, a male bonding thing. I liked it. A shared nod between resolute men and I felt safer, though nothing had changed.

"I need to speak to Jamie. Does someone have her number?" I asked. It took a call routed through Vincent to make the connection. I traded a promised interview, one with more in-depth questions, for some questionable press. CNBC would hint numerous times that I wasn't as hands off as I had portrayed in my early interview. I was known to be heading to Seattle to talk with WWL, Inc. Speculation about a buyout, or possible merger would be the highlight. It might send my people in a panic for a moment, but Vincent would take care of that. It will awaken my enemies. They'll know I'm coming, and maybe, just maybe, Anthony Lewis will come to me.

My life after revenge would no longer be mine. Caleb took my hand. No longer ours. He had no reservations about spending the rest of his life changing diapers while I was being poked and prodded by the military. As long as we were together and died of old age, nothing else mattered. Our baby felt us and joined our love. If only the rest of the world could feel what we feel, heaven on earth. Anthony Lewis, unfortunately, will know only hell. 

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