Chapter 19 - Anthony

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I wrinkled my nose as I stood above Sabbatini's bed. He looked much worse than my last visit. I wasn't even sure he was alive, his eyes had yellowed and seemed to stare off into the distance. The whole room smelled of chemically washed death.

"Well?" Sabbatini asked. His voice was raspy but still held a living volume.

"We found a time and place, sir," I reported, "though the collateral damage will be high. We could wait for a more isolated target."

"Time? Do I look like I have much time?" Sabbatini snarled. I was taken aback by the strength of it. His mind hadn't weakened like his body.

"I assumed you wouldn't want so many innocent lives on your soul when you meet our Lord," I said in defense.

"Its power is increasing, and all you can think about is innocents. Do you believe it thinks about them? Do you think it will spare them when it reaches full power?" Sabbatini said, seemingly getting stronger. He lifted an age-spotted hand and pointed at me. "You are my arms and legs, my single most important link in the world. I trust you will finish what we started, crush it before it sends me to my Lord a failure." I had to take a step back, his breath was fouler than I remembered.

"Of course, sir," I said quickly. "I will set the wheels in motion for this Tuesday then." The smile that crossed Sabbatini's face was gruesome. I think some of his facial muscles had given up, the curl was uneven and highlighted by deeply discolored teeth. It was almost zombie-like.

"You are the son I never had," Sabbatini said. His words sank into me, completing something I didn't realize I was seeking; acknowledgment from the man I respected most in the world. As close to a father as I could ever get. My mind morphed his sickened image into what I remembered so many years ago. Strength, respect, the firm father I had always needed.

"That means a lot to me," I said, covering his feeble hand in mine. I could feel his strength surge into me, and my doubts fled. There was no question that the evil had to be removed from the planet. It was my duty to see it done and bring that victory back to Sabbatini, my father in all but blood.

"Go then," Sabbatini said, "and bring me good news when you return." I matched his smile and left the room with renewed purpose. Failure was no longer in my vocabulary.  

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