Chapter 21 - Teegan

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The Willows was a misnamed facility. Willow trees brought forth thoughts of a flowing softness or welcome shade on a hot day. The retirement home of the same name was harsh and stark. The grounds were mostly devoid of trees. There was a fountain at the center of the circle drive. At one time it may have been grand. Now it was dry and held brown leaves that must have blown in from far away.

"Not a very welcoming place," Caleb said.

"Its got a prison look to it," I said, looking at the gray brick that made up most of the walls. At least it had unbarred windows. "Are you sure this is the right place, Terence?"

"Yes, ma'am. I've been here once before. It's a lot nicer on the inside," Terence replied as the car pulled up to the door. Caleb, Garcia and I exited. Terence and Rob stayed with the car, wanting to keep an eye on who was coming and going.

The entryway was a lot more inviting. Leafy plants in large pots were placed against the walls in the rotunda. A colorful carpeting, stitched with a wavy design led to a large counter that sported a happy welcome sign in bold letters. Behind the counter was a middle-aged woman in a flowered nurse's smock. She was busy with some papers, glasses secured to her head by a loose chain that wrapped around her neck. She looked up as we approached.

"Welcome to The Willows," the receptionist said warmly. She pulled her glasses off her eyes, letting them drop to her chest and hang by the chain. "Are you here for a visit?" Her eyes glanced between the three of us with an extra long linger at Garcia. His uniform looked a little out of place.

"Yes," I replied with equal warmth, "we're here to see..."

"Mrs. Tisdale," the woman finished for me. "I'm sorry, I just recognized you from your interview on Good Morning America. Wendy said you'd be by."

"Wendy?" Caleb asked.

"I believe she meet you at Mr. Tisdale's funeral."

"Oh, yes. The nurse who brought her there," I said.

"Wendy said you have a way with Mrs. Tisdale, kind of brought her out her shell," the nurse continued. "We like bringing more life to our residents."

"I see that; all these plants are lovely," I said, once again looking at all the growth.

"Pretty, but fake," the nurse said with a little chuckle. "Allergies can hit some of our residents pretty hard. The visuals are comforting, though." she held out her hand, "I'm Nancy, Ms. Fuller."

"Nice to meet you, Nancy," I said, shaking her hand. I introduced Caleb and Captain Garcia.

"Please, if you'll take a seat over there," Nancy said, pointing at small waiting area, "I'll make sure Mrs. Tisdale is ready to receive visitors. It'll only take a few minutes." We complied, and Nancy went down the hall after calling another, younger nurse, to the front desk. I spent some time examining the plants which were truly fake. Amazing that I didn't notice it at first. Until I looked at the stems, I still doubted her word.

While we waited, other nurses came walking by. It became apparent that my interview had stirred up a little celebrity status. I smiled when smiled at as more people found reasons to walk by the waiting area.

"I think you're famous," Caleb whispered. Inside he thought it was funny. I was embarrassed.

"My fifteen minutes," I whispered back. "At least I hope it's only fifteen minutes."

A rather handsome guy in blue smocks walked past and took a long look at me. He had one of those perfect symmetrical faces that housed the bluest eyes I had seen in awhile. When he smiled, I had no choice but to return it. Anger flashed through Caleb, not at me but at the male nurse. I could feel him shouting on the inside, 'Yeah, well I'm sleeping with her, asshole.' It was only a momentary thought, but it was so out of nowhere and very strong. I covered my mouth to stifle a laugh.

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