Not Again!

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I look up and it's none other than Jacob. "Im so sorry Kate" he says. I stand up straight. "I accept your apology." I say with a stone hard glare. "oh come on Kate let me at least explain!" he begs. "No! I gave you a chance and you didn't take it. I don't want your excuses about sleeping with other women! Just leave me alone" I say. I turn and start walking away but he grabs my arm and pulls me to him kissing me. I push him away and slap him. "Kate! How dare you slap me!" He says jerking my arm. "Jacob stay out of my life" I shout. "no Kate I love you" he says. "you shouldn't have slept with all them women then. Now let me go and leave me alone or I will shoot you and have you locked up." I shout. "Kate! Please!" he begs getting on one knee. "Im not afraid to call Ryan and Esposito!" I tell him. "yeah right." he huffs. I pull out my phone and dial Javy's number. "hello Espo it's Kate-" "ok ok Kate I'm leaving I'm leaving stop it hang up" Jacob begs. "Ok thank you" I tell Espo hanging up the phone. "you played me" he said. "just leave me alone" I say pulling my arm out of his grip. "Kate just let me-" "no Jacob get out of my f*cking life!!" I yell at him. He gets teary eyed and runs away. Thank god. Now I need a coffee. I run my hand through my hair and take of running to a near by coffee shop.

"Your coffee will be right up" the cashier says. "thank you" I say heading to a booth to wait. I stare out the window at the bustling city streets. "K-Beck?" I hear a worker call. I walk up and grab my coffee. "thank you" I tell him. "your welcome" he replies with a smile that makes me smile back. I sit back down and take a sip of my coffee. I didn't have any paper work to do at the precinct and I'm basically free until a body drops. I trace the lid of the cup while looking out the window. Oh how much I love New York. I hear something sliding against leather. I look over and Richard Castle is sitting across from me. "Is it ok if I sit here?" he asks. I roll my eyes "sure" I go back to looking out of the window to stop myself from staring into his piercing bright heart melting blue eyes. "Thank you James" Richard says. I look and the worker smiles. Richard give him 50 dollars. "Tell your daughter I said hi" They tell each other then the worker leaves. "So" Richard says. "Yes?" I ask. "Are you ok?" He asks. I look at him and his blue eyes pierce into my green eyes. "yes I'm fine" I say looking down at my cup. "Kate" "why wouldn't I be?" I ask. "because that guy Jacob looked like he hurt your arm" he says worried. "pfft he could never hurt me" I mumble. "Why is that?" he asks. "Because my buddies would shoot him" I smirk looking at him. He goes stiff but recovers soon. "oh they seem nice" he says. "yeah they are" I say spacing out thinking about how over protective they are. "Did you read my book?" he asked. "no actually I didn't I was gonna but I had to work so I didn't have time" I say. "oh" he says sounding disappointed. "You killed off storm didn't you?" I ask. "huh?" he asks completely shocked. "Did you kill Derek Storm?" I asked him again. "I thought you didn't read the book" he says. "nope but the title says it all" I tell him. 'Gives You Hell hope it gives you hell' my phone rings. "excuse me" I say picking up my phone. "Beckett" I say. "hey we got one in apartment complex downtown again" Javy says. "Ok Espo I'll be there soon. Is it the same complex?" I ask. "yup" he says. "thanks. I will. You too! Ok! Bye!" I say hanging up. He asked for coffee, Kevin wants coffee, Lanie wants a vanilla frappe and he said be safe. Also he said call if I have troubles with Jacob. I throw my phone in my purse and head to the front counter. I order everything and a new coffee for me then a cinnamon roll. "Here you go" The cashier says handing me my change and cinnamon roll. I sit back down. "who was that?" Richard asks. "My buddy Esposito. I have to go into work" I say. "really? You're going to work dressed like that?" he asks eyeing me up and down. I look down and I'm still in my work out clothes. "oh crap!" I grab my bag and head to the bathroom I quickly change into super skinnies, a loose flowing dark blue tank top, my leather jacket and my black stilettos. I walk out to hear my name being called. "thank you" I tell the boy and grab my drinks. I throw the now empty cup from my previous coffee away.

I get into my car but don't shut the door because someone says "Wait!" "What?" I ask. "can I have your number?" Richard asks. "no Im sorry but I don't give out my number to random people its part my training" I say shutting the door and driving away to the apartment complex.

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