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Its been 4 years (season 4 on castle) since Rick took me to the ER when I cut my foot. Today is my birthday. "Hey Kate wanna go get something to eat?" he asks as we leave for the elevator. We have been closer since the shooting a year and a half ago. We have become more flirty too. :D "sure I don't think I have any plans" I shrug.

"Ok open your eyes!" Rick says taking his hands away from my eyes. My eyes open and I'm staring at my book case. Brand new Richard Castle books including Nikki Heat books are on my shelf. The page from the book my mom had signed is gone. I go to In a Hail of Bullets and open it. It has the same words as my old copy. He rewrote it into a new book! A tear falls down my face as I look at the beautiful collection of books. "is something wrong?" Rick asks worried. "no" I say. "why are you crying?" he asks. "this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done" I say hugging him tightly. He hugs me back. "Alexis and Mom are away and I was wondering if you would want to have a movie night?" he asks as if i'll shoot him. "sure" I exclaim. I run to my room and grab clothes and a jacket. It is of course November. November 17th my Birthday to be exact. "ok I'm ready!" I say swinging my bag in my hand. He takes my bag and I link our arms.

Rick unlocks the door and it's completely dark. He switches the lights on and everyone pops up screaming Surprise and Happy Birthday! I smile. I punch Rick's arm playfully. "you lied to me" I say putting on a fake angry face. "I said a movie night I didn't say with who" he corrects. "but you said Martha and Alexis are out of town" I correct him. "oh I guess I did" he says. Alexis puts a tiara on me that says Birthday Girl. I smile at her. I hug everyone. Lanie, Javy, Kevin, Jenny, Martha, Alexis and my dad are all here. We all sit down and eat dinner then cake. I feel like a little kid again. Everyone clears the table and then a pile of presents are put in front of me. "Open mine first!" Javy says like an excited school girl. I reach for the one from Alexis and open it. It is bullet earrings and a necklace with a black gun that looks like mine on it. It's only one inch big I think.

"Thank you all!" I say as everyone starts to leave. Martha and Alexis are at the door. "where are you ladies going?" I ask. "Grams is taking me to Australia!" she exclaims. "ok have fun and be safe" I say.I hug Alexis and Martha then they leave. When did I become like a mother to Alexis? I actually love it! "come on. You have to open my present!" Rick says. I follow him into the living room. "here" he says handing me Beautifully wrapped package. "Can we get the movie and stuff ready first?" I ask trying to get room to do what II've been dying to do. "sure" he says. We head into the kitchen. "There aren't any clean glasses" I tell him closing the cupboard. "ok then I'll wash the dishes" he says as he starts the water. He starts washing the dishes and I take my chance. I change into my Pjs. Dance shorts and a half shirt. I go behind him and wrap my arms around his waist resting my head against his back. He is stiff at first but soon relaxes realizing it is me. He turns off the water as he puts the last dish in the strainer or whatever it is called. he dries his hands and turns. Now my arms around his waist while we are face to face. I look up at him with innocent eyes and he looks down at me confused. His arms cautiously wrap around my waist and I move closer. I stand on my tippy toes and kiss him. He doesn't respond. I give up and go to pull away but his lips respond. Our lips move in sync. He lifts me up and sets me on the counter as my arms wrap around his neck. I reluctantly pull back for much needed air. Our foreheads rest against each other. "what was that?" he breaths out trying to manage his breathing. I pull my head away from him looking at him confused. "No no I loved it. But does it actually mean anything?" he asks biting his lip. I smile and bite my lip before crashing my lips to his ferociously.

"Ok you have to open your present" Rick breathed out as we finally stopped making out. The microwave beeps and he puts the popcorn in a bowl while I get our drinks. We head into the living room and plop onto the couch. I cross my legs and start opening the gift. It's a small velvet box. I look up at him as he smiles nervously biting his lip. I open it and gasp. I take out the note.

'Kate, I love you. I'm sure you know this. I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend? If you don't I understand. You don't have to. If you do just slip this promise ring on and i'll take it as a yes.



I pull out the ring and look at it. It is gold and has I Love You on it. On the inside it has Richard + Katherine. I hand it to Rick. His face falls. I then hold out my left hand to him. He gets the message and slides it onto my finger. I grab his face and kiss him. "So that's a yes?" he asks hopeful. "yes but I want to tell you something first." I say. "ok" he says taking my hands in his. "you know how I was shot at the mall a year-"'"and a half ago. Hard to forget" he finishes. "yeah well. I wanted to tell you so bad but I was scared. I wanted to tell you I love you too but I was too scared Rick. I Remember it all but I was such a coward" I say as tears escape my eyes. He wipes them away. "Kate it's ok. I know you've had a hard time.Thats why I backed off" he says looking me in the eyes. "you aren't mad?" I ask. "no you told me when you were ready and I can't get mad at that. You have a hard time with trusting so I understand. If I were you I would've done the same thing." he smiles. He pulls me in and kisses me softly with love. Soon the kiss turns into lust.





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