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Dreams are always something I've adored.

Just think about it, the act of sleeping and the act of your imagination running wild. I recall almost all my dreams. Some of them are crazy and full of zombie Apocalypse's and machine guns. Some are filled with Dave Franco loving me while Johnny Depp waits on me hand and foot. Those are regular dreams, right? Well recently all of my dreams take me back to four days ago.

Four days ago, I was by the beach. Enjoying the sun with my best friends and my boyfriend, until I wasn't. Until I was in a hospital receiving the worst news of my life.


"Hey! Quit it!" I shout playfully to Zoë and Aaron. They splash me further. Instead I dive into the clear blue water and swim. I keep smimming until the light sandy floor becomes twice more than arms reach. I finally come for air to see them waving them arms, its just Zoë and Cara. I look around for Aaron when I find him swimming beneath me. His crimson red shorts are the last thing I see as I dive back in and swim. Instead of chasing me he calls my name while I'm beneath the waves. I come up to swim above the water and hear him swimming behind me. As I come to the shore Zoë and Cara have gone to the beach towels and began to dry.

"So, you made him swim after you and then you swam away?" Cara asks with amusement.

"Of course." I grin and pull on my towel.

"What the heck." Aaron says as he walks to us.

"Whoops." I grin to him.

"You're lucky I'm a swimmer." He smiles.

"Yup." Is all I reply as my two best friends watch this argument go down. The only thing that stops him is when I mention food. His eyes go wide and I can see in his eyes he's starving.

After drying off for a bit and packing all of our stuff we head to the beach house. There we shower and get ready to go out. After we all agree to go to a local resturant that Zoë knows since we're staying at her parents beach house. We take a short deive into the small town to a resturant filled with families and lights.

The small resturant is next to the beach. When we are ready to be seated all that's heard through the large, open windows are the waves crashing against rocks and the chatter of families around us. We sit at a small booth next to the large windows. Next to us is an old couple and a large family with several small children running around. I don't know what it was, the children running around, the cute old couple or the brezzy ocean night, but I felt so happy and at peace. I was sitting with my three bestfriends and I couldn't be happier. The waitress looked exahausted when she finally got to us. Once she took our order she was taken off to another table to serve them. Our food came a bit later than usual but we honestly weren't in a hurry.

Our dinner was great. It was very filling and you could tell eveyone was happy. Throughout our meal the workers had been pulling unknown things outside onto the patio. Curious as we were we payed an walked out to the patio. The floor was covered in a moveable dancefloor and to one side sat what looked like a DJ. The music began as cute, family favorites. Things you'd only hear at a wedding. Dads dance with their tiny daughters. Grandmas pull embaressed teenage boys onto the floor while their mothers watch adoringly.

Aaron pulls me out to the dance floor. My best friends fumble around in a pit of laughing while they try to dance. There's a slight headache I ignore. Aaron pulls me close so I can only see his bright smile, brown eyes, and sandy brown hair. His sculped swimmers body is firm beneath my hands. I smile and lay my head onto his shoulder. I close my eyes but instead of immediantly opening them blackness surrounds me. It engulfs my mind and thoughts. I only feel two things, fear and pain. The pain is so overwelming it blocks out the fear. I don't know where I am or what's happeing. I only know the darkness that surrounds me.


"I'm sorry, your daughter is very sick." The middle aged docter tells my parents. I lean against the door and try to catch my breath. "Very sick"? What is that supposed to mean. I heard them say cancer before. The walls of the white hospital room spin. I try to make it back to the stiff hospital bed while catching my breath. I lay down and think. What will happen? Where is Aaron? Just when I think about searching my phone the door opens and my parents come in, bad news is all over their faces.

"Hey honey, how do you feel?" My mom asks. I lie and put on a straight face. If they know I know, it'll kill them.

"Better, a little weak but better." I smile. My mother looks at me apologetically and then begins to speak. My father is silent next her. His face hard and his eyes empty.

"We, have something to tell you." She states. She realizes the distance between us and comes to sit by my side. I know what she's going to tell me and there's nothing that could prepare me for her next words.

"Honey, you're very sick." My father says slowly, as if admitting it to himself.

"You've been sick for a very long time." My mothers voice cracks. I nod and begin to feel the tears on my cheeks but I feel nothing.

"Hey, Kas, baby. Don't cry. We love you. Don't worry okay." my mom mumbles into my ear as we hug all together. The smell of her perfume is my only comfort next to my parents. I breathe in the flowery scent and remember. I think about what this sickness is. How I got it and what are the treatment. I wonder what kind of terrible things could be poked into me.

"What are the treatments?" I ask between tears.

"Treatments?" My mother asks. Her eyes are surprised and the look she's giving my father is grave.

"Th-theres none." My father stutters and falls into a mess behind me.

"What do you mean? What are talking about, no treament?" I ask in disbelief. There has to be a treatment. If there is no treatment that means, I'm going to die. As the realisation sets in I stand in my weak state. As calmly as possible my feet take me to small bathroom while parents ask irrelevant questions from behind me. The cold metal pole is dragged behind me as I enter the bathroom, sit on the floor and silently cry. I didn't need comfort right now; most people would but right now, I'm not most people.

Random thoughts of my life jumble around in my mind. The connstant picture is of my friends and I splashing and swimming on the beach, my toes in the sand. I feel myself sobbing but its like an out of body experience, like I'm already gone. I see myself from a corner. Small, a curled up ball of sadness. Heaves are heard from my mouth as the contents of my stomach are thrown into the toilet bowl.

I come to an agreement with myself. No more breakdowns. I get one big breakdown (now) and that's it, I will be strong and enjoy the time I have with my parents. I continue to dry heave and sob while holding my knees to my chest. A mental checklist runs through my mind as I think about what I have to do.

First, be strong; or at least act the part. Second, cut connections to all people who are irrelevant; because why cause more heart break than neccasary. Third, enjoy whatever time I have left.


Hello, new story. Super short first chpter but there will be more to come.

Thanks so much for reading. ♥

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