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It was two weeks since the wedding took place and my work leave was coming to an end. Richard had taken only a week's leave since it's time for his promotion and he could not miss work anymore than he actually did. I was all alone at the house either trying to bake a cake or trying something new.

I needed a break from everything that happened in the last month and I did not really have a girl's night out. I called my 3 best friends: Stefanie, Bethany and Alice. Beth and I were together since 7th grade and Al and Stefanie were with us in high school. I called Al, Beth and Stef over to my place to try out my new baked cake. About an hour later my 3 blonde girls made their way to the couch. Yea! I was the only brunette I placed my heart shaped cake to the table and saw Beth hesitate before she took a bite. I looked over at Al and Stef's side and saw that they were about to run away.

Beth opened her mouth and said, "It's amazing. From where did you get the recipe?"

I was beyond shocked. I had never made a perfect cake, I either added too much salt or my eggs would mix a lot. I cut the cake a little more and greedily put it in my mouth. hah. The second I did , I threw the spoon across the table and removed the cake out as soon as I tasted it. Of course they hated it. It had too much salt to it. But they would not tell me about it so they pretended to like it. I took the dish from the table and stood up walking over to my kitchen. I saw the girls following me and understood that they wanted to talk to me. I threw the plate in the dustbin and walked towards them. Instead of talking with sympathy they all looked at each other and grinned. I knew I was in trouble looking at the way they were looking at me. Stef was the first one to speak up. She clapped her hands and announced "We are going clubbing."

No wonder I loved my best friends for. They knew when to talk about what and when not to. They decided to pick me up from my place at 8 and we would head to the nearby club which was 4 blocks down the line. It was 4 and I really needed to get some rest. I headed towards the bedroom and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I woke up to the ringing of my phone. It was 6:30 and Beth was making sure I'm not skipping at the last moment which to be quite frank I often bailed. I quickly took a bath, changed into one of the dresses that I had and started applying some mascara and blush. I was ready by 7:45 and was ready to head downstairs. I quickly picked my phone to text Rich to see that I had a message from him. I opened it quickly and read it.

I am going out. Don't wait up. -R

I was smiling because he texted but confused whether to reply back or not. I decided I should not and went to the door when they were banging the door like they wanted to break it down. I looked over at Stef that she was wearing a grey shiny dress that was a little tight for her but she didn't mind. Beth had worn a mini skirt and a  red top which she looked amazing in. Al had a different blue but good type of a dress.

Reaching the club Beth and Stef went over to get us drinks and Al had met some friend who she decided to talk to. I was standing there looking at the bar when I saw all too familiar brown eyes of Richard looking at me. Next to him was a girl who clearly wanted to sleep with Him. Her hands were touching his collar and biceps. I saw him shamelessly checking me out and for the first time I felt myself blush in front of Rich. I noticed that a smirk came along his face and I could not stop considering that he looked hot with a capital H.

The girl locked her lips to his , breaking the eye contact that we had. I was angry. That's why he didn't want me to wait for him so that he could screw the girl and sneak out in the night later. I walked up to the bar and ordered for vodka even though I knew that I should not drink. I become insane and the last time I got drunk I was yelling at a puppy on the road asking him to move out of my way! After nearly drowning 2 shots of vodka i felt a hand on my shoulder and I  hoped it would be Al or Stef or Beth but it wasn't. It was a guy and he looked good, quite good according to me.  He must be in his early 30's and wow. He had the most amazing pair if green eyes. I snapped out of my thoughts and heard him asking "are you here alone?". Now what would I answer to that? So I was just looking at him probably like some 5 year old who did not understand what he just spoke. He chuckled and asked me again "Are you single? Want to dance." He gave me his hand and I was hesitant at replying but as soon as I opened my mouth I felt a hand on my waist and other hand showing off my ring saying "she's taken." I saw as that green eyed mumbling a sorry and walked away before I could speak any further. I looked over at Rich with a questioning look on my face as his face showed all signs of anger. I moved his hand away from my waist and spoke "what the hell? Why did you do that?". He sat down and took his beer bottle in the hand and then spoke, "Didn't you see him eye-raping you? He didn't want to dance with you. He just wanted to tear up your clothes and fuck you ." I looked at my clothes and then realized that maybe Rich were correct. I had worn sexy Bustier Maxi. Let's just say that it showed a lot of my thighs and a little too much of cleavage than necessary. I was not going to accept that I was wrong so instead of thanking Rich I yelled at him saying ,"why don't you and your chick get out of my way? Mind your business Rich." Surely alcohol had started working but I yet had no idea why I was getting so angry seeing Rich was another girl. I went up to the dance floor and danced with my friends and the boys that they had found. I kept on looking towards Rich as I found him staring. He was clearly drinking as his eyes had become red. He turned towards the girl, said something and then got up and left. Way to go Richard! I walked towards the bar where Rich was sitting and ordered vodka as I needed to forget everything that happened today. I yet did not understand why I got so angry on seeing them together. I was completely drunk and could not even stand if I did not have Beth's support. We were heading towards my place when we suddenly realized that I did not have my keys with me. Beth remembered me telling her that Rich would not be home till tomorrow. How I wish my friend knew that he had gone with that chick probably to my only house. We decided it was a better idea to crash at Beth's place.

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