Believe In You'll Selves

357 13 10

Enjoy 😘

Days later - Thursday

Last week of August

Miracle Pov

" Today is a important practice and is the last practice for this Sunday game that I choreographed to that song that's my girl by fifth harmony and fifth harmony is performing with us, we're just dancing, gosh' I love the home games but I hate the away games only because of the plane
rides "

" Planes scare the shit outta' me "

" Brice and Jason, me and Aeja been getting more indorcement deals, the more people see us together the more they want to show us off, just more and more money to add to our bank accounts but there's always a catch when it comes to me and Aeja "

" People been asking us and the cheerleaders to perform and make a appearance, Taylour doesn't decide without me and Aeja approval, after  she gets that then we schedule and everyone gets paid to show up and don't fuck up and look amazing based on the theme of the dance "

" Simple and we got a lot of those type of events comimg up but anyways I hope today goes by smooth "


" You'll shut up " Miracle said getting irritated because the cheerleaders were practicing the routine and several steps kept' being made and half of everybody refuse to shut up and focus.

Their only 1 hour into practice and they only got 2 hours late

It's only 8:00pm and practice starts at 7 on the dot and ends at 10 on the dot

" This is why you'll messing up, you'll not focusing and these moves are not hard, it is literally just arms and the tempo' is just fast and your feet is incorporated, you'll stop making it harder then what it is " Aeja said.

" If you'll don't stop the talking and focus so we can get through this routine then we will schedule a practice tomorrow that will be real early in the morning and before we practice the routine we will work
out and run for 30 minutes instead of 15 " Miracle said in full captain mode.

Miracle and Aeja is pissed off because they taught this routine Tuesday and everybody was understanding but no one went home and practiced because if they did there wouldn't be that many mistakes

" I agree now let's go through the moves on the part you'll struggling on real slow, we hear one word and we gon' go run 3 laps around the
stadium " Aeja said also in captain mode turning around with Miracle right by her side.

" Get in formation " Miracle said and everybody loves around back to their original spots.

" Ok on the good to go part you'll need to punch your right arm up first then everything else' falls in, you'll need to be ending on you'll left arm and I know we all know our left from right so fix that quick " Miracle said.

" Make sure you'll heads are turned in the right direction and after the good to go part is over, you'll know what comes next, the fast variety motion tempo', it starts on your left arm and that's why you'll messing up, you'll are starting and ending on the wrong arms, this is the only part of the song that you'll not getting " Aeja said.

" You'll got today to get this and if you'll don't expect a practice tomorrow, focus and stop thinking, you'll know these damn moves, we seen you'll do them perfect, just do it again and stop thinking about it so before we turn the music back on were gonna' go through this part real slow, ok our count and pay attention " Miracle said.

" 5, 6, 7, 8, right left right, left right left, left down right down, right cross left cross, right down left down, legs cross and cross, snap up, snap down, turn and turn pause...side run left pause...side run right pause..jump to the left and trip and pose " Aeja said.

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