The Girl on Fire

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I was still standing when I was, staring at Tristens back. Oh crap.

I turned away immediately and started to walk away, I looked behind me to make sure no one was looking at me, before I could look back I crashed into someone. Again.
Maybe I was more clumsy that I thought...nah. Everyone just didn't know how to walk proper.

"Ahhh Laurel!" I said to the beaming girl in front of me


"Ew? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror," I retorted

"Oh my gosh you completely stole my comeback"

"A dynasty where I steal from you is non-existent"

"Non existent? Like your personality?"

Okay that was pretty good, I scrunched up my nose and stuck my tongue out at her like a little kid

"Why are you so stupid?"

"Why are you," I said flustered, racking my brain for a good comeback

"Don't try sweetie, leave the comebacks to the cool people"

"Wait if you're calling yourself cool then that makes me hotter that you," oh yah! Pat on back moment

"Stop calling yourself hot, the only thing you can turn on is the microwave"

Okay she had definitely won that one. Why do I even try?

"HOOOO MA GAWD!!!! I'm on a role, I mean forget Katniss, I'm the girl on fire"

We both burst out laughing, okay she may make fun of, like twenty four-seven but I know she loves yah.

"so how was the holiday"



"Hey who were you talking to back there?"

"Tristen? He's one of my fr- I mean peers...when I was like sevenish"

"Well stay away from him you hoe, he's mine"

"Trust me you don't wanna get with that, and you don't have to worry about me stealing him, because one, I have a boyfriend and two, his face makes me wanna hurl"


"Yah. Synonyms may include, puke, vomit, spew and fetch up"

"But he's hot"

"Where?" I said bluntly

"Like up, down, side to side"

"And boy you got me walking side to side!"

With that we both started to desecrate Arianna Grande's Side to Side. Turn up.

"Okay," said Laurel after laughing, "so I'm getting the feeling that you dislike him?"

"Let's just say that we weren't the best of friends in grade school"

"Hate on hate relationship?"

"Well yah...but he kinda apologized so I guess we're going to be civil"



"Well you better only be civil because he's made number 56 on my list of bae's"

"Isn't he 57?"

"Don't ask me! I lost track after 40 something, shouldn't you and Emma be keeping track"

"Hey it would require a super computer and a team of math geeks to figure out how many bae's you have"

"True that!"

Emma and I had a system where we would allocate Laurel bae's, she had no real input in it but even so it was fun to see her face when we would go over the list. Just so you know two of her bae's were inanimate objects(don't even ask) and Emma's little brother, Ken.

"You can't add him to the list!"

"Why!? Jealous?" She said slyly

"Ha! In your dreams! I meant that if you add Tristen to the list then it would be betraying bae number 7"

"Who the fuck is that?"


With that she hit me and burst out laughing

"The fact that you even considered him as a bae tho," she said, her eyes squinted as fluid escaped them

"We didn't consider him, he's an established member of the Laurel Bae association"


"Come on you have to admit that you had a thing for him"

"His laugh sounds exactly like NIALL'S!"

"And here we go with your lesbian boy band"

"Can I kill you now?"

I wearily took a step back from the Directioner, don't wanna mess with her when she's in protective fan girl mode.

"Moving steadily on...who's you form tutor?"

"Jackson, thank Harry Styles that we didn't get Ganders"

Mrs Ganders was a lady that was not very well liked, to put it in nice words. I was really hoping that Laurel got her so that she could suffer, but the odds aren't in my favour so.


"Who do you have"

I thought for a second, "O'donnelle"

"Shame, he's going to be making out with the new art teacher now that Mrs Lorraine is out of the way"

"It's the new art teacher like way older than him though?"

"Haven't you ever heard of a cougar before?"


"Teacher love though"

"You just know"

We talked for such a long time till the bell rang, now it was time to go to the form room. One of the many disadvantages of having O'donnelle as a form tutor was that he was an art teacher, so I had to go all the way up to the art room. Ahhhh.

I looked around and realized that this was the start of the new school year. More good grades that I was expected to get. More laughing with your friends till your stomach began to hurt. More friends to make. More relationships to build. More memories to make with Sam. Sam.

I couldn't wait.


Okay not a very eventful chapter but pretty fun to write. Hope it was fun to read as well!!!!! Sorry about the filler but I just wanted everyone to get more familiarized with Laurel, I mean after hating her for the past 24 chapters I think that I had to show why their friendship was so important to Kaisley. Yah friends insulting each other is very touching, I know.
Anyway...please keep voting. Love you all!:)


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