But he's so....hot?

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It had only been a year since Laurel had arrived at St Peterson high school. Her home schooling program didn't  go beyond the eighth grade, so one thing led to another and she chose our school out of all the others in Wisconsin.

I have only known her for a year. But somehow we just got so close.

I told her everything about me, well at least I tried to, and I always held onto the hope that she did the same.

I cared about her a lot and for me to care about someone, well.....that speaks volumes.

That's why it hurt so much.

I slowly looked up and realized that the guys were still looking at me. I had been quiet for a while.....a long while.

I had to stop them from getting the wrong idea so I did the one thing that I could think of.

"Laurel! Oh my gosh I've never laughed harder in my life!" And that was true, I was literally clutching my stomach because of the pain of laughing so hard, "at least choose someone who's even remotely within his league!"

Axel furrowed his eyebrows, "so you don't care about this?"

"Why should I?" I said between the bouts of laughter

"Really? This doesn't bother you at all?"

"Nope!" I said popping the p

The guys looked at each other undoubtedly confused, I was still laughing.

I was starting to get some worried looks from Olivia and Nazrene.

"Okay if Kaisley will care to shut her pie hole then maybe we can get to oh I don't know, studying?" Said Mr Ivan from the front of the classroom.

My cheeks flushed red as he gave me a disappointed look. Oops.


"Kaisley? What the hell was that!?" Yelled Laurel

"Allow" was all I could say

"I will not allow such a heinous laugh to go unpunished!"

"My laugh is beautiful thank you very much"

"It sounds like a dying cat, mine is the true star" she flipped her long strawberry blonde curls in my face

"Oh please yours sounds like someone dropped bagpipes on the dying cats tail"

She rolled her eyes, "mooooving on....why were you laughing?"

"Oh it's just what Axel told me,"

She wiggled her eyebrows at me suggestively, "Axel hey? Well don't worry about asking him out I can set up if you want"


"Oh come on don't hide your feelings"

"Yah enough is enough I profess my love for Axel Stewart!"

"Oh but you're not gonna steal him from me"

"Bring it on sister!"

"Oh don't even bother trying I already hooked up with him"

"OKAY! To far darl"

"What can I say he's just so.......hot?"

The sounds that came after that(laughter) are not to be let out near human ears.

"Okay....okay now that we've had our little laugh, and don't comment on the little, you can tell me about what Axel said"

"It's really nothing"

It was... the Little Things Where stories live. Discover now