Half witt.

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"Okay you senseless half-witts! Get your rears into the classroom before I hit you with my trusty memory stick!" Said Mr Oaken as he ushered us into his class room. Mr Oaken was a tall gentleman with an exterior that resembled any other middle aged man. The hilarity of his visage, however, was quite noticeable once you took a good look at him, this being because of the mutton chop shaped beards that aligned his skin that was on the verge of wrinkles.

I had never had this man as an English teacher before...but there's a first for everything. Although after being herded into a classroom in the manner of a shepherd directing a flock of sheep and being referred to as, "a senseless half-witt," I wasn't particularly sure.

As I stepped into the the classroom I studied my surroundings. Mr Oakens classroom was considerably small compared to Miss Kelly's room(my old English teacher), in all fairness it resembled the makings of a shoe box. The room was a standard rectangular shaped room, with a wooden floor that had seen far better(and cleaner) days. The white washed walls were not very high, they burdened the weight of quite a low, white, ceiling that had a brown stain in the far corner, probably due to a leak. Various, pro animal slogans were plastered across the walls alongside quotes from Shakespeare, Rudyard Kipling and Bob Dylan(don't ask why...I don't know either). A cluttered desk was pushed to the far corner of the room, an old computer was placed on the desk, swimming amongst a sea of binders, pencils and various other teacher things. Edging towards my desk, next to Char and Lilly, I scrunched my nose at the heavy odor of cigarettes that I had noticed since I'd stepped into the classroom, the same stale smell washed Mr Oaken whenever he walked passed.

The desks were set in two parts, a majority were placed side to side, parallel to the walls so that the whole circumference of the room, excluding the wall where the whiteboard was hung, was aligned with desks. In the middle, another row of desks was set out, Char sat at the very end, furthest from the door and closest to the whiteboard, next to her was my beautiful self and next to me sat Lilly. Okay I'd be the first to admit that having my friends with me was the highlight of English, and the fact that Sam sat right opposite me was a well appreciated bonus on my part. Now we could make goo goo eyes at each other and not get told off because we were in theory, forced to look at each other as our faces were mushed together in the most prominent of ways. Okay, so we were a meter apart and I may or may not have threatened him to death if he had not sat there...but still, we were allowed to stare at each other because it's not. Our. Fault.

"Hello beautiful students of the ninth grade...or is it tenth?" Said Mr Oaken

With a chorus of "tenth" we indeed assured him that we hadn't repeated the year over again.

"Okay so my name is Simon Oaken, but you may call me Mr O...now forgive me but it will no doubt take me eternity to learn all of your names, so in order to aid me with this predicament, I shall do the register in the most peculiar of ways," he looked down on us with a sinister smirk...okay. He walked past our desks and headed towards his computer, he pushed down on some keys and mangled his mouse.

"What's your name darling?" I looked up from my doodles to see him staring at me, still unsure I nervously pointed at myself, "yes you"

"Oh...um I'm Kaisley"

"Ah what a beautiful name...I forgot it already," he said quite bluntly

"Uh..." I said unsure of what I was meant to do

"Ah yes I completely forgot! Open sesame darling"

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