I was so glad that everything was okay with me and Laurel. After everything that had happened I needed a win desperately.I had always had a fear of being alone, I don't know how I had developed it but it just happened.
Primary wasn't the best of experiences for me. I had friends but never cared about any in particular. I hung out with them because I didn't have anyone after I lost Sam, they hung out with me because I gave them stuff.
It was sad, I know.
I was way too trusting, believing everything that everyone says, which always ended up with me being made fun of or hurt.
That's why I took things seriously at times, just the desperation to fit in and my past of always being hurt made me care way too much.
I'd lost way too many friends, real or fake, and I just couldn't loose another.
I was in the amphitheater right now. Just because I had a fear of being alone doesn't mean that mama don't like her alone time.The amphitheater was technically out of bounds to students but possessing an A* average does come with privileges. I could swear in front of a teacher and not even get a second look.
What? I was pissed that day.
All I had to tell Mrs Tamara was that I had some "studying" to do and the library was too far a walk for my injured leg which I had come to posses in a netball accident.
I know, I know it was an lying is bad. I'm surprised that my pants aren't bursting into flames by now.But she bought it.
The amphitheater was newly built in the honor of his excellency.
No not the president.
The old principal Mr Lawrence.
It was small, made of concrete and bricks behind the drama studio. It wasn't much to look at but the location was perfect.
It was surrounded by trees, all different species. Their branches holding clumps of emerald green leaves that shone in the rays of sunshine that spilled through the whisks of clouds in the sky above. Wild flowers, that the school was too lazy to pull out, bloomed at the base of the trees, inviting various members of the insect family, that buzzed and fluttered their time away.
I could sit there for hours if I wanted to, just listen to the songs of birds and feel the gentle breeze against my soft skin, do nothing.
But I only had an hour, which I should be spending with my friends but decided to come here instead.I closed my eyes, trying to go to my happy place. I don't know what my happy place is but I was going there anyway. I almost landed when I heard footsteps.
I started to gather my things feeling darn right mad. There was no point of staying, the purpose of being alone was, and I'm totally going out on a limb here, to be alone!
I picked up my bag and turned to leave when a hand rested on my shoulder."Kaisley Winters! About time we met again"
He patted himself gently, "ya I think it's me"
I rolled my eyes, "what are you doing here, it's off bounds to students"
"Then why are you here?" He said stroking an imaginary beard on his chin
"Don't try to be mysterious Winters it won't work"
"What won't work," I love alliteration!
"You flirting with me, if you call that flirting"
"I am not flirting, I don't flirt, especially not with you"

It was... the Little Things
RomanceKaisley remembers it all. In the 12 years that she and Sam spent growing up together, many beautiful memories had been created. Whether it was stealing his toy car or kissing him in the storage room, Kaisley holds every memory close to her heart, a...