Teddy bear

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"Teddy bear, teddy bear turn around! Teddy bear, teddy bear touch the ground!" I love to sing! Almost as much as I love two swing! I kept on singing as I skipped toward the swing set.

My eyes were focused on that swing. Not the swing. That swing. The red one. Unable to control myself, I ran towards the swing set ready to jump right in and swing as high as I could. Sometimes I liked to pretend that if I swung hard enough, I could touch the sky. One day I'll be able to walk on the clouds, mummy says that it's not possible but I know that I can because everyone does it on TV.

Mummy, daddy and the Millers were back in the restaurant so me and the other one were allowed to play outside in the hotels playground. That's why I picked this restaurant for my birthday, after playing I was going to eat a whole chocolate cake with strawberry icing! Eek!

The playground looked so pretty, washed by the moonlight. Covered by a blanket of stars above. But I didn't pay attention to the scenery, I had another prize in mind.

I was super close to the swing but before I could get in, someone pushed me. I lost my balance and felt right down onto the dusty ground. I could feel my elbow burning, and something cool against my skin.

"Ow! My elbow's bleeding!"

"Too bad"

I looked up at the boy that pushed me, he was sticking his tongue out at me as he began to swing.

"Tristen you're such a big meanie! and you're ugly too!"

"Yah I was dressing up as you today!"

"That's not nice! And I wanted that swing"

"Too bad my butt called dibs!"



"Can I have the swing now?"


"But it's my birthday!

"Do you think I care?"

"Get out of the swing!"

"No you get another one!"

"But I like the red one! Red is my favorite color! Well after blue and purple. I love purple, if there was a purple swing then I would want that one. But I like green as well and orange is nice too.i like all colors, except for brown because it's yucky"

"Yah...just like you!" He said as he burst out laughing

I could feel my lip begin to quiver, a tear slowly trickled down my dirty cheek. My elbow was still burning and I think that it was still bleeding, I looked down to see it messy with blood and dirt. The tears began to flow faster.

"Hey are you crying!?" Said Tristen as he began to burst into a fit of cackles


"Yes you are! Who's a big crybaby? You are!"

"That's not nice!" I said between a bout of tears, "I-I'm g-g-gonna tell-"

"Tell who? You're mom? Ha! Like I care! Now move! I want to swing!"

I realized that I was standing in front of the swing, stopping him from swinging.

"No! I'm not moving!" I pouted

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