I ramble.

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Getting used to the crutches was how we would say "easy as pie" in a few days. Before I knew it I was back to the same grueling routine of school. Subject after subject, teacher after teacher. The only twist to the tale was the added effect of two metal rods into the storyline.

Walking was pretty easy- except when I didn't have anyone to carry my bags for me. And that was the precise situation I was in at this precise moment. Standing alone in the geography block, with confusion slapped across my face I tried to think of what to do. Now since all of you are bursting with questions I better answer them. So here's what went down on this awful day

For formalities sake I'll start by saying that I had geography(duh). Now this was already the epitome of crap as one, I had Connor. Connor. Yes he was a good teacher but as I have mentioned before, he was boring as fuck. And second, I had to sit behind Mr Tristen Miller who was the centerpiece of awkwardness in this whole mixed fruit salad of love. Bruh, every breath he took caused my heart to jump to my throat, I don't know why it made me so nervous but it did. At this point I had given up on trying to talk to him, every time I'd mustered up the courage to talk to him, he'd not only ignored me but he'd also ran away. His silence piercing my gut harder than any words could manage.

Every time he'd walk away, a little piece of hope would follow him until all of it slowly disintegrated. I'd believed so surely that time was all that was needed to clear up this mess but my patience was wearing thin and at this point I'm not even sure whether a further relationship with Tristen can even be considered as a possibility.

Maybe this was a sign for me. Was I wasting too much energy on him? I glanced down at the cool metallic chain that loosely wrapped around my tiny wrist. The delicate snowflake hooked onto the bracelet hung ignorantly, indifferent to any of the surrounding disasters. I raised an eyebrow as the piece of jewelry, a chunk of metal practically worthless in market value accompanied by a piece of paper which would one day find its way to the ground and rot it's way into oblivion.Why should they mean so much to me? Why do they mean so much to me.

I'll tell you why. It's not about what was written in the note that made my heart melt. It's not how beautiful then bracelet was that made my eyes sparkle. It's not anything that he gave to me that made me feel the way I do. It's simply because he gave them to me that would always make me feel the way I do. I closed my eyes in the lonely corridor, desolate of any human activity, setting the DVD to replay every memory I'd had of him. From when we were rampaging children, to far less than matured teenagers. Everything about him in our past never prepared me to believe that he would mean so much in my future. The surprise created a fantasy, something that I would never let go of no matter how unknown and foreign it was.

At this point I didn't care. I didn't care if he didn't want me, I love him anyway. And if he doesn't want to talk then I'll talk to him even more. I know that he cares about me which is why I know he will catch on before I let go. No matter how distant he is, he won't be...because I-


I opened my eyes to his deep voice, the familiarity of it bringing back feelings of nostalgia. I realize how idiotic I looked at the moment. Me standing alone in the middle of a corridor with closed eyes and a wide smile was quite a sight to see. But like I said before, I didn't care.

"What are you still doing here? Shouldn't you be down by lunch?" He questioned, his face was legitimately priceless.

"I had to talk to Connor about getting me the homework sheets which I'd missed when I was out of school"

"Still don't understand," he said frowning

"He went to go get them"

"Kais you're being highly vague about this," the vein in his forehead began bulging out as I realized that I was pissing him off now

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