I always have and I always will

11 3 1

"Oh so now you want to talk?" I said

"Yes, but not here," he grabbed my wrist and dragged me behind the maths block. Rape.

"Do you not understand a rhetorical question when you hear it?" I said to which he didn't answer to.

Behind the maths block was an area bare of grass, a few concrete benches faced away from the math block and overlooked the large sports field. The benches were shaded by trees that stood at the side of each bench. The area was often where couples went to make out as the teachers rarely passed by there.

Sam chose a bench and motioned at me to take a seat.

"I'm not going to sit with you," I said bluntly

"Kaisy please"

I cringed at the sound of that nickname, "don't call me that"

"Okay I won't, just please hear me out"

"You already said what you needed to, I don't need to hear anything else"

"I didn't say anything to you so please just talk to me"

I could have walked away at that time but something was telling me to stay, I slowly sat down at the bench, a considerable distance between us.

"Why did you do it?" I said

"Do what?"


"Oh. I did it for you"

"What did you do for me!? Take the one thing that I'd cared about after such a long time!?"

"I said that I did it for you. Kaisley I admit that I had gone to far....Oliver's a good guy and I shouldn't have hurt him like that....but I just couldn't stand it"

"Stand that I had someone and you didn't"

"No Kaisley. That he had you and I didn't"

"So what? You were jealous....wow Sam so is this the part where you expect me to jump into your arms as we share a long passionate kiss?," I said, the sarcasm clear

"Kaisley what you had with Oliver wasn't real"

"And who are you to say that?"

"I'm a friend"

I tsked at that

"It's true Kaisley, I care about you"

I had had it, "How dare you!? You're the worst person that I have ever met in this world, you can't just hate me and then suddenly care about me Sam! Everyone's right guys really are assholes!"

"Kaisley I'm just trying to help, I don't know why you're calling me names!"

"Do you really think that I'm stupid Sam!? Like I don't know what you're doing!"

"Do what!?"

"You're here to make me believe that you have feelings for me, I'll confess that I have feelings for you too, you'll laugh in my face, tell all of your friends and I'll be humiliated...again"

"Do you really think that I would do that?"



"Are you dense or something!? How can you blame me for thinking that after you've treated me like crap for the past four ******* years!?" Okay swears, this was bad

"Kaisley I care about you!"

"If you cared about me then you would be happy for me and since you aren't then it shows that you don't care!"

It was... the Little Things Where stories live. Discover now