I honestly hated how forgetful I was sometimes. In this week alone I'd lost my water bottle three times and found it again...and here comes number four. Okay if this was any old recycled water bottle then I wouldn't give a shit. But this bottle was legit. Legit. It was a transparent, dark yellow color, with gold embellishments on the top, and what I loved about it was that the top did this cool flippy thingy when you pressed a button, so I didn't even have to unscrew the top to drink. So basically, it was my life's mission to find it.It was lunch time so I had time for my quest (I love how I can make this sound like such a big deal)
The last place I had it was yesterday at the music room, which is pretty stupid since I don't even take music. I was actually there to practice a bit of piano(yes I play...well try to at least) that is until the music technician chased me away because he needed lunch. I put my bags on this brick table, layered with concrete that stood on the patio outside the music block. There were three rooms in this block, Mr Andersons classroom, Mr Moss's classroom and the recording studio. I'd left my bottle in the last room.
The room where the recording studio was, was actually split into two parts. When you walked into the arched, wooden door you'd be walking into the technicians office. The shape of the room was actually pretty awkward, it was narrow in the middle of the room and wide at the ends, at one end was a long desk with a standard computer, the grey filing cabinet was directly behind the desk which made standing up pretty hard since the chair would always hit the cabinet when you wanted to get up. On the other side of the room was a cupboard, which I had never opened and a water dispenser. I'd refilled my water here once or twice, but for some reason this dispenser never gave any cold water which was pretty suckish since we were in the middle of summer.
The office and the studio were separated by a maroon painted wall, normally you wouldn't be able to hear anything since the studio walls were covered in carpet to make it soundproof. The door today, however, was left slightly ajar allowing the soft tune of a guitar to escape into the empty office. I leaned against the wall to get a better listen. The soft strums were perfectly syncopated with an MP3 player in the background, I tapped my foot against the carpeted floor, immersing myself in the unknown melody. The senior music students often made their own compositions for there exams, but this was something different. I couldn't describe it, the song just seemed so distant, the style and notes all seemed unique and uninfluenced by the school.
I braved myself, curiosity worming through me, to edge closer to the crack in the door, aligning my eye with the open space I spied the person playing. The figure was definitely a guy, he sat on an orange amplifier while he played acoustic. One hand firmly wrapped around the guitars neck and the other tightly held onto a guitar pick as it explored every sound that the instrument could possibly make. His head looked down, the face covered by a mop of dark hair, concealing his identity. A blue, MP3 player lay at his foot, that tapped with mine along to the music...I couldn't see him or recognize him, but though his aura I somehow felt like I knew him. You know that moment when you're racking your brain for something even though what you're think of is right at the tip of your tongue? That's what I felt now.
I knew him, I'd seen him before- wait! My mouth went dry as I stood in the now open doorway that I'd pushed open. Unintentionally my fists clenched, my mouth going dry as my frustration ebbed away into sheer horror. Silently cursing my stupidity I forced myself to look back at those piercing dark eyes that were now staring in my direction. The MP3 player still blasted its music, filling the awkward silence that was forming in the room. He switched it off and looked at me for a few seconds, questions undoubtably running through both of our heads.
"Kaisley? What are you doing here?"
"Me!? What are you doing here!?" I said, a bit too loudly

It was... the Little Things
RomanceKaisley remembers it all. In the 12 years that she and Sam spent growing up together, many beautiful memories had been created. Whether it was stealing his toy car or kissing him in the storage room, Kaisley holds every memory close to her heart, a...