Chapter 7

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    The next week passed by uneventfully. Killian and Tristan kept their distance and I ignored them when I could. A few times we were forced to interact as part of defense training and during the harvest. A few times Tristan looked like he wanted to approach me in the field but my death glare had him stepping back and away. I saw the hurt in his golden eyes but I couldn't feel sorry for him. Resentment grew in my chest the more I saw him.

      Killian made no attempts to corner me or kiss me. Thankfully, because I was still not ready to process what that had meant. I caught him staring at me openly more than Tristan. Each time my gaze would catch his I looked away. There was no reason for the flutter in my stomach I told myself. It was old feelings and unsettled business.

Ace had listened to me go over this many times since Killian showed up. When Ace and I were together Killian looked ready to fight. Part of me enjoyed the torment while part of me didn't understand it. Ace and I were friends and we both knew that's all we ever could and would be.

On their own Tristan and Killian drew many curious looks and had gained the admiring glances of women in the Displaced. Both were good looking and had lean builds. Hell, I knew what Killian looked like naked and I couldn't blame the women. I was also sure part of their allure was that fact that they had been royalty. Being ex-royalty here was not easy. People tended to scrutinize. Fortunately for me I had Ace and Krueger looking out. I had earned approval. Tristan and Killian were still making waves and learning their new surroundings.

Tuesday was unarmed combat training day. Coming prepared to fight was something I was now used too. Noelle and I did not hesitate to use anything to our advantage such as our skin tight training gear. We didn't want anyone to go easy on us or how else would we learn. Of course her outfit was a little more out there being bright red and white. My outfit was more tame, just a black sport top and grey pants but still very tight.

I could feel Killian's eyes on my curves as I walked in and began stretching with Noelle. Part of me was excited he was looking while another part felt angry. He could look his fill. It was everything he gave up. I turned and saw the heat in his gaze. He was the only guy I had ever been with and until three years ago only he had seen this much of my body. In the Covenant women and girls wore loose gowns and sometimes tunics and long skirts depending on your station. Waking up a Displaced had been an awakening to my self-esteem. I rarely felt out of place and I was always comfortable.

"Everyone gather round," Ace yelled walking in commanding the room right away. "Today we are going over defense combat techniques." A few guys in the crowd booed at Ace proclaiming their distaste.

"I know, I know....we always hope we will have the upper hand against our opponent," he paused as a round of clapping began, "as I was saying, we can hope....we can train...we can be stronger and faster...but sometimes the unlikely can happen." He stopped again to look at the group. Everyone was somber and waiting to hear what he would say. Ace scanned around himself, eyes lingering on Killian than Tristan. He swung back around to find me.

"Paige, work with me for demonstration please?" It was a request and I knew I could say no. He was giving me the option to show what I had learned from him. Since I fled for my life Ace, and sometimes Krueger or another guy, Brian, worked with me on defense moves. Ace never wanted me to feel like I couldn't fight back for my life ever again. It's what had solidified our friendship. I trained hard and earned his trust and approval. He helped build me into a strong person again. Where he was big, I small and quick.

I walked toward him, earning some catcalls and another round of whistles. I scanned the room icily quieting the room again. Yeah, I can kick some serious ass now. I found my brother, he was looking back and forth between myself and Ace, probably thinking I was signing a death warrant. I knew Ace was double my weight and he was muscled everywhere. He was taller than me but not as tall as Killian. When I looked at Killian his gaze was also on Ace. He looked ready to murder him. His body was tense as he clenched and unclenched his fists.

Turning back to Ace he gave me one of those cocky grins he perfected early in adolescents. He knew what he was doing by asking me to help demonstrate. I smiled at Ace and motioned my hand at him to come at me. Again, whistles and laughs echoed throughout the room. We went through our usual routine. He came at me to hit, I blocked him high and evaded his leg when he kicked out. I shot my elbow at his chest using momentum to free my leg, sweeping it behind his knees. He hit the mat and rolled back up. A few cheers sounded. Everything seemed far away and blurry. My adrenaline was going and I felt powerful. It was my turn to jab, right...left...high kick. Ace knew my move, he slipped an arm around my leg swinging my back to his chest, then he had me in a choke hold from behind. Using all my weight I dipped down and stuck my hip out, throwing him over as hard as I could. I was small but boney. I knew my hip bone would dig into his side effectively.

I saw my brother and Killian out of the corner of my eye. Both looked around in disgust at the cheering crowd. Tristan looked like he was holding Killian back from interfering. I smiled to myself at this. It was at that moment that Ace effectively pulled me to the mat. We grappled for the top taking a couple rolls across the mat. I was eventually pinned. Ace splayed across my prone body. I could twist and kick but I had already lost. Tristan was avoiding the scene in front of him. Killian's face was flushed. He looked ready to throttle me. Like I had done something wrong! Then I realized the position I was in with Ace. Both my arms were pinned over my head in his grip and his hips had mine pinned to the mat. He was fully on top of me.

In my glory of seeing Tristan and Killian bothered I had forgot to protect myself. I knew Ace would let me have it later. I'd be doing extra pull ups next week. People hollered and cheered at the win. Our demonstration was over. Ace got up and helped me to stand.

"Okay, so any questions?" He asked the crowd. Many hands shot up. Ace started pulling people from the crowd to partner up and go over moves. I melded back into the crowd content with my participation for the day.

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