Chapter 30

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By dinner I was pretty amped up. I had spent the rest of the day by myself avoiding Tiffany and Tristan. I had chosen to stay tucked into one of the coves and just let the world pass by. You learn a few things doing that. Among this was the good news that Connor and Lena were due back tonight. They had been recruiting and propagandizing our fight to all the colonies. They had done brilliantly but it had still been a dangerous task. Should be a festive feast tonight.

When I did make it to the dining area almost everyone else was at the table. I sauntered over and set my tray down. Ace, Tristan and the other burly guy Bryce stared me down. Paige and Noelle I noticed both kept their faces averted. The tension was cut when Tiff threw herself on my lap and started talking to Tristan about the new friend she wanted to hook him up with. I think I'm the only person who noticed the look that passed between him and Noelle. I smirked at him but he cast me another scolding look. Tiffany finally noticed no one was giving her the time of day because her claws started coming out.

"Paige do you need more maternity clothes? I noticed your shirt is pretty snug on that bump." She asked wrinkling her nose.

Paige's head jerked up, but it was Noelle who raised her hand towards Tiff. She shrank back into me.

"Get your skank out of here will ya," Ace said shooting me daggers. I guess Paige must have told him about our previous discussion not that I was surprised.

"That really necessary?" I asked him, wanting to challenge him. I could give a care less if Tiff was around or not. Our gazes held and the tension grew.

"Kill..." Tristan started to say,

"No, let the big guy talk," I said reclining back in my chair I folded my arms across my chest. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Paige was staring at us intently. Her face looked exhausted and even paler than before.

A few tables behind us people started murmuring and applauding the arrival of Connor and Lena. I felt the crowd losing focus on us but Ace and I still held gazes waiting for the other to blink. All the sudden Ace jumped to his feet,

"You know what, fuck this," he said and started walking toward the crowd forming in the entryway. Gasps, giggles, and a few 'no-ways' followed. Noelle and Tristan were both staring open mouthed over my shoulder. My head spun around. Ace was gripping Connor by the face and kissing him. I looked back at Paige her face radiating joy like she already knew. I looked back again, yup both guys were in full on make out mode not giving a shit where they were. That's when everything else started to fall into place. I turned back to Paige but she was leaving the room. I bolted from my seat and chased after her.

"Paige," I grabbed her elbow careful not to unsteady her.

"What Killian?" She asked yanking her arm from my grasp.

"You knew?" I asked carefully watching her face.

"Yes of course I did. I was the only one," her head tipped down, "It's why I always played the beard. Unfortunately their love isn't accepted always down here."

I took in her words remembering someone had told me that before. I knew it was common in the colonies where procreation wasn't as much of a necessity. Paige's confession to being a beard floored me.

"So those times when you were in his room.."

"I spent the night but nothing happened. It usually was only if his parents became suspicious. They want him to get married," she answered before I had even finished my question.

"Paige," I reached out to hold her but she stepped back shaking her head. Shame and guilt were written across my face. We had done this to ourselves, to each other. She walked away and I let her again. I needed answers to wrap my head around what was happening and the nurse was the only person I could think of to help me. I ran to the infirmary ignoring the looks as I passed groups of onlookers here and there. The expression on Paige's face ran through my mind over and over.

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