Chapter 6

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By morning the news had spread over the entire compound. Noelle, Ace, Krueger, and even Connor had been at my door willing me to open up. I hadn't moved. I pulled the comforter tighter around my head willing it all to be a dream.

There was no way. I was not stuck here with my brother and my ex who cast me aside for the same girl. The three 'golden ones' of the circle.

In the covenant parents had started choosing the genetic traits their children would inherit. Most people had chosen the golden and blonde hair, the golden or brown eyes. Tristan was genetically chosen this way in the image of the people. With me my parents had chosen the old fashion way and left it up to chance. I had been born with the darker eyes and black hair.

Killian was genetically enhanced like most males, except his mother had went with blue eyes for him too stand out. He hadn't needed the extra help. Killian was gorgeous. While we were growing up he knew it too. Until that one summer after school was out, he first looked at me differently. We were inseparable after that. When my parents died he was there for me and promised me he'd never leave.


"Paige! This is the last time. You need to come out. Don't let them win!" Ace hollered through the door. His voice was starting to annoy me. I knew he was probably right but my wounded heart and pride wouldn't let me walk to the door.

"Paige, even if you just come down to dinner, you'll show them they can't effect you anymore," this time Connor was talking to me. And even though I hated to admit it I knew the man made an excellent point. I waited till I heard their boots thud down the hall away from my room.

I rolled out of my blankets staring up at the ceiling. I needed to breathe. They were right I would show them. I was stronger and healed from being here. Tristan and Killian were on my turf.

I suddenly wished Noelle was here to give me an awesome outfit perfect for this occasion. As it was she probably was eating with Krueger. I would have to do my best. I tugged up my black leggings and slipped into my dark red, long sleeve, zip up dress. I paired the outfit with my knee high leather boots and pulled my fingers through my hair to free it of tangles. I looked good. I think Noelle would approve. I quickly pinched my cheeks before exiting my room. If I didn't go now I never would. Neither of them had tried to find me yet but I suspected once they were cleared by the council it was only a matter of time.

As I got closer to the dining room I saw Ace, Krueger and Noelle waiting outside. I turned to head toward them. Noelle saw me first, her gaze flashing, yes, she approved of my outfit choice. Then her eyes went wide as she looked behind me.

"Paige", I felt hard, warm hands grab mine to pull me around. Frozen, I looked up into piercing blue eyes. Killian. He held my gaze for a second before he groaned. His hands slid up to cup my face. His lips lowered onto mine, crushing and demanding all at once. I gasped slightly in shock, allowing him deeper access to my mouth. His tongue invaded the space, clashing his teeth against mine as he pulled my body closer. It felt like I stepped into an inferno. His mouth was soft and hard at the same time with hints of cinnamon radiating off is breath.

Suddenly, I remembered where I was and what he had done. I used what I had for arm strength to bring my palms to his chest. I could feel the ripple of muscle underneath as he groaned again. Snapping out of it I pushed as hard as I could against the wall in front of me. He didn't even stumble just looked down at me, towering over me with his six foot frame. I felt Ace and Krueger surround me in the next instant.

"What the fuck is your problem?" Ace asked him. "Stay away from her." Ace pulled me to his side and headed us to the dining room. I looked back and caught Killian's eyes boring into me. His eyes were narrowed at the arm around my waist, his body was poised to fight. Krueger crossed his arms waiting for him to walk away. Neither were leaving.

"Kill," I heard Tristan say. He stepped out of the shadow of the pillar, "Come on man, let's get some food. You know the rules." Tristan laid a hand on Killian's shoulder. Both were dressed in typical Displaced clothing now but neither could hide the power in their builds and the goldenness that was them. Even in darkness they still looked amazing and tan. Killian let my brother lead him away to the cafeteria.

Once in the dining room Noelle practically jumped me from her chair. "Oh my god, Paige, was that Killian?" She said lowering her voice so no one but our table could hear. I had confided in her about the one man I had ever been with in a drunken game of Never Have I Ever. After losing many rounds and a lot of wine consumed she had finally pried it out of me.

"Yeah, in the flesh," I muttered.

"Holy hotness! And that kiss? What was that?" She was practically bouncing in her chair from excitement. Krueger narrowed his eyes at her.

"What?" she asked. "I can't comment on the one guy Paige has ever mentioned. This is girl talk boys, I suggest you move elsewhere," she said with a flourish of brushing her hair over shoulder.

"Nice outfit by the way," She said to me. I grinned.

"I figured you would approve," I said back.

"And obviously your boy toy did as well," she raised her eyebrows at me.

"He is not my anything." I said matter of fact. "He needs to stay away, they both do."

"They'll stay away," Ace said, breaking into our conversation. "We'll make sure of it." All three heads nodded in agreement.

"At least until I'm ready," I said. An understanding passing between all of us. The next few days were bound to be interesting. The way my lips were still tingling from that kiss and the slight soreness around my sides proved it.

*** Killian at the top (Luke Bracey)

***Finally some Killian! Don't worry I have a love/ hate relationship with him too. But give him time.

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