Chapter 24

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Two weeks later, if it wasn't night terrors keeping me awake it was the loud snoring from Ace or sleep talking from Noelle. My new sleepover buddies had been diligently following their steady schedule. With Killian and Tiffany now a couple most people assumed I needed the extra company and no one ever seemed to question it.

I rarely heard from the others during the night, just assumed they were watching and listening, taking turns on shift. Tonight, Noelle was ranting about red foxes in her dream. I turned over and stared at my ceiling the old feelings of being a chore, a responsibility, crowded my mind making sleep intangible for the night. I knew in the morning dark circles would form around my eyes and I'd be as pale as the walking dead. I could already hear the catty whispers from the other young women remarking that my looks were the reason Killian had chosen Tiffany. I sighed. Weeks and no action or letters. I had even lost the sensation of being watched. Or I was just too use to it now from Ace's constant surveillance. If the council knew what was going on they never said anything. Mostly they just looked past me. The looming threat was made more real by my presence.

The more I tried to block the unwelcome thoughts the more they pushed to the forefront of my mind. I tried desperately to relax my body and recalled the soft lullaby my mother had used so many times when we were younger or when we felt ill. It was the same song I had comforted myself with when they died. Eventually my eyes felt heavy again and I drifted off to sleep till morning.

"Wake-up sleepyhead," Noelle sang cheerily as she pushed my mattress with her foot. I noticed she was already dressed for the day which caused me to sit up straight, rubbing my eyes I looked for the clock.

"Oh its way past morning there sleeping beauty," she laughed brining her water bottle to her lips.

"Why didn't you wake me?" I asked irritated that I had obviously missed breakfast and would be late to training if I didn't move soon. I jumped out of bed racing around my room looking for suitable work-out clothes.

"You needed the rest Paige. We may all be on surveillance but you look like you have taken everyone's shift. Seriously girl, I'm worried about you. How have you been feeling?" she arched her eyebrow at me.

I must have looked at her funny, it was a ridiculous question to ask me.

"Well besides a crazy bitch trying to kill me, the guy I love is hooking up with a skank, I'd say my life is just dandy," I told her slipping through my drawer. I wanted my tight red tank for today. I had been dreaming of Killian when Noelle woke me and his image still burned my mind. Stupid as it sounded I wanted him to notice me today. That's when I felt it. The same rolling motion that started in my stomach and wove its way to my eye sight. The room felt like it was tilting and my stomach wanted to pitch. I raced to the toilet sputtering and dry heaving. Glad I didn't eat yet after all.

When I was done I rinsed my mouth and face in the sink. Noelle caught my eyes in the mirror.

"Pay-" She started.

"I know," I replied. I sank to the floor propping my arms on my knees.

"Why haven't you said anything?" She asked me quietly and laid her hand on mine. A small sob escaped my throat.

"I didn't want it to be real," I croaked.

"Have you seen the nurse?" Noelle's voice was so calming I wanted to tear up listening to her. I shook my head. "I didn't want to say anything in case it got better, but it's been every morning Paige. I think you need to see her and find out. This could change things."

I nodded my head again before lowering my head to my knees. I felt vulnerable and small. A possible baby could be a game changer all right...or it could be the direct hit Rachel was looking for. A weakness I didn't even know I had yet.

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