Chapter 16

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It was probably childish to hide but I spent the rest of my day in bed ignoring the door. A few notes had been slid under but I ignored those too. If I stayed in this place then I was safe.

Before dinner Ace tapped his knuckles to my door "don't forget," he said only loud enough for me to hear. I squeezed my eyes shut against the tears. I couldn't figure out why this situation was so hard. It's my brother it shouldn't be weird. Since he's been here I've gone out of my way to ignore him. And now I had to trust my best friend's life in his hands. The pit in my stomach kept growing. I tip toed to my door laying my hand against the wood then my ear. I head Ace's footsteps echoing down the hallway as he walked away. More people flowed past my door on their way to the meal. All of them were oblivious to what would happen later. Ignorant to the danger that was most likely closing in on us. I felt responsible.

I slid to the floor wrapping my legs under the oversized shirt that draped my body. I picked up the letters, one from Noelle, imploring if she should kick Killian's ass, a heartfelt letter of worry from Connor lending a shoulder while we wait for Ace to come back. Killian's letter stood out the most his bold scroll with two simple words: Don't Run. My head rested back against the door the long strands falling in my face. I took in a few deep breaths. Footsteps were approaching from the hall again. Stopping outside my door, I crawled away so my shadow wouldn't be seen. Another slip of paper skated under the crack. The deliverer didn't move for a few seconds and my heartbeat picked up. I heard a scuffle then heard the heavy footfall walking away.

I reached out for the paper my stomach doing flip flops, "all you bring is death. There is no safe place for you surrender now." I shoved my feet in my shoes, throwing open my door I ran down the hall in the direction the footsteps had gone. The darkness met me, only glimmering light from the safety lights guided my way. I walked faster trying to catch up, my heart beat wildly in my chest as my eyes adjusted. I treaded carefully till I heard a shuffle ahead. Heart pounding I rounded the corner and smacked right into a hard chest. My reflexes kicked in and I threw up my fists in defense, the paper crinkling in my grip.


My wall had also gone in defensive mode. Like brother like sister it would appear.

"Tristan?" I said, "what are you doing down here?"

"My room is down here," he said regaining his upright posture, I followed suit relaxing my arms and fists. Confused I asked "you're down here? I thought-"

"I'd be by Killian?" He finished. "No, the council wanted us separate as an act of faith. Not that I blame them." He added quickly.

"People don't trust the covenant and I can't blame them. Not after what happened." He said lowering his gaze to the floor. My mind was spinning slightly at the information. My brother had been close by the whole time.

While I was lost in thought he side stepped me, "I better get going," he said sadly. I realized in that moment how alone Tristan probably had been feeling. Killian and I weren't together by any means but I could see how it may appear to Tristan. I reached out my hand to touch his arm.

"Tris, I was actually looking for you. Do you have time to talk with me?" I asked quietly. Looking up I saw his gold eyes widen, most likely from shock. "Yeah," he said his Adam's apple bobbing twice.

He started to turn toward his room, but Ace's warning echoed in my ears. "Ah, actually can we go this way," I started to lead him toward the gym.

I knew it would be empty today after everyone's hangover from the night before. Tristan didn't say anything just followed me, hesitating slightly at being close to me. Images of us tackling each other, playing tag and lava on the playground swam in my memory. My brother looked at me like he was scared.

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