Chapter 18

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Soft whispers tracing across my shoulder pulled me from sleep and the disruptive dream I had been having. Rachel's flashing eyes imprinted in my brain. My eyes fluttered open connecting with Killian's sparkling blue. His face was close to mine as he skated his long fingers down my arm. I studied his face noticing his five o'clock shadow was coming back. His long eyelashes were luminescent. Even in the dark I could see the contrast in his still tan skin against the paleness of mine. As if sensing my small case of self-consciousness he kissed my forehead, the tip of my nose, and lightly brushed his lips against mine. "You're beautiful," he whispered.

I traced his lips with my fingers before cupping his jaw and bringing his mouth to mine. Our mouths moved together slowly, the heat beginning to build again. If we didn't stop soon we would be at it again.

The past two months Killian and I had spent all of our evenings together. Our groups trained during the day. Since Ace and Tristan had been gone Krueger turned our practices into more defensive training and weapons. We began learning sneak attack maneuvers. Noelle and I trained hard wanting to live up to the expectations we had placed on ourselves.

At dinner Killian joined our table which had shrunk to him, Noelle, Connor, Bryce, Zed and myself. Dinner had become somewhat strained as we all seemed to know what was happening yet not trusting the other to know what we knew. I felt bad lying to Noelle and most of all Killian.

He was rushing back into my heart as if he had never left. He was the first thing on my mind when I woke up and his was the last face I saw when I went to bed. We were together and it hadn't escaped people's attention. Another letter was slid under my door a few nights after Ace and Tristan had left. Same warning, bolder script.

Since then I have wanted Killian in my room each night. We still haven't discussed what Tristan had told me. Our conversations mostly focused around our lives now. I also still hadn't returned his declarations of love. He never pushed to hear it or question me. I was hoping he would let me figure it out on my own when I was ready.

I pulled back from Killian getting out of bed and heading to the shower. If I didn't begin my day now then I'd stay in bed with him. I heard him groan into my pillow before I closed the door, letting the spray envelope me. The warm water relaxed my nerves. I was counting down the time till Ace and Tristan were back. I felt safe with Killian but I feared for them being out there. My body was exhausted and my stomach was constantly in knots making me nauseous at times during the day.

After toweling off I dressed quickly, slipping on my most comfortable pair of jeans and a button up blouse. Killian emerged from the bathroom in only a pair of black jeans that hung low from his hips. His chest rippled under my gaze.

"I got to go," I stammered before leaving my room quickly slamming the door behind me. I heard him laughing as I walked away. Killian affected me more than I wanted him to see.

"Hey sunshine," Noelle practically screamed, causing me to jump. Her arm looped with mine dragging me toward the dining room. Sausage and eggs filled the air my stomach began to roll.

"Paige," a voice called to me over the crowd. I looked up to see Noelle's mother trying to reach my attention, her hand beckoning me toward her.

"Got to go I guess," I told Noelle. I pushed through the crowd thankful to be away.

"Good morning," I said. She turned and led me to the council area. Confused, I followed her glance over my shoulder. Noelle had already disappeared into the cafeteria. Killian, who had found a black t-shirt and boots, had just made it and was fist bumping Bryce. He didn't see me as I walked away.

We walked toward the council room she looked in both directions before motioning me to go in. I walked in trying to look over my shoulder at her but she didn't meet my eyes.

"Please have a seat Paige," her voice warm, she sat across the table from me.

"I don't know what's going on," I said unsettled and suddenly anxious.

"I'm aware you know about the hunt that your brother and Ace are on," she looked at me expectantly and I nodded at her, "They are expected to be back within the next few days. The council has a back-up plan in place for these situations when needed."

"Okay," I said. I wasn't sure where she was going with this information. She hadn't delivered any bad news about it though.

"In the chances a hunt were to go bad a new party will go out in search. I wanted to make you aware as you were listed as Ace's search and rescuer. You and Krueger would be going out together should they not come back within the allotted time."

I let her words sink in. There was a very good possibility that I could be going 'hunting' soon. Krueger and me. I didn't want it to come to that or to know what could happen if it did.

"I'll keep you informed," she said dismissing me. I got up from the table and hurried out. Once I was away from the room I let my breath out slowly. Closing my eyes I said a silent prayer for Ace and Tristan to make it back in their allowed time.

My appetite suddenly gone again, I headed to the gym right away. Might as well take my frustration out on a bag then seclude to my room. I was growing up.

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